you're stressed

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You sat on the couch crying. Demi didn't know what was wrong, you didn't seem to want to tell her which was hard for her. She wants to help you, but it's impossible to do when you're refusing to do so.

"Princess please talk to me. It hurts me to see you like this. Please tell me what's wrong." You sniffled quietly and for the first time since you got home about twenty minutes ago, you lifted your head to look at her. Demi ran her thumb under your eyes and collected your tears as they fell. "Talk to me, baby girl."

She ran her fingers through your hair, something that normally comforts you but this time it made you fall apart. "I'm just so stressed out Demi. Everything feels like it's falling apart. I'm not strong enough to handle this anymore and i'm not good enough." Demi turned your face and though your vision was blurry with your tears, you could see the sad look in her eyes. "Don't say that, princess. You are good enough, you're absolutely amazing, my beautiful girl. You're so strong, you have no idea how strong you truly are."

You sniffled. "You're just saying that because you're my girlfriend." Demi smiled and shook her head. "No i'm not. I'm saying that because it's true and I genuinely mean it. Every single day I wonder how I got so lucky. I wonder what it was that I did that was so right to deserve you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know things are hard and I know you're stressed out, so just tell me why."

You sighed sadly but began to rattle off all the reasons why you're so stressed. Between your friends seeming as though they don't wanna talk to you to your boss wanting to work you even harder, even though you do all of your work and even do some of the work for your coworkers. "Turn around baby girl." You did as Demi said and when you felt her hands on your shoulders just a few seconds later you let out a small sigh.

"You're so tense. So stressed, princess. You need to relax." She moved your shirt off your shoulder a little and let her lips press against your skin. "Your friends will come around eventually and if they don't then that's their loss, baby girl. Your boss needs to open her eyes and stop cutting your coworkers so much slack and see that you're doing some of their work on top of all of yours. She needs to see that you're stressed out enough. If she doesn't get it or she doesn't care, then it's time for you to walk away and find somewhere better. You're the smartest woman I know and you can find a new job just like that if you need to, and I think it's time you consider that option. I don't like see you like this, princess."

She peppered kisses across your shoulder as she rubbed out the knots from your muscles. "Thanks Demi. I love you." Demi smiled and kissed your neck softly. "You're welcome baby. I love you too." She continued to rub your muscles and it wasn't long before you fell asleep in her arms, you felt so much better thanks to her.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now