getting lost in a corn maze

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Going to a corn maze sounded like fun at first, but now you're regretting it. It's dark, it's uncomfortably quiet, and somehow you and Demi got seperated.

You can't stop panicking. You didn't know how it had happened. One second her hand was in yours and the next it wasn't. You yelled out for her but didn't get a response back, and with no one else around to ask if they'd seen where she went, you were lost.

You felt like you couldn't breathe. You didn't know what else to do and it felt like you were going in circles. "Demi! Please come out. Please." You begged, your voice filled with tears as you felt the horrible but familiar feeling of a panic attack coming on.

You fell to your knees as you closed your eyes and tried to catch your breath. That's when you heard Demi's voice saying your name followed by her hand on your back. "Shh baby girl, it's me, it's only me." You instantly buried your face in her neck, your hands shaking and your voice trembling as you whimpered her name. "It's okay, i'm here with you. I'm so sorry princess, I'm so sorry I lost you. I'm here now though. I'm right here."

The words were rushed out and slightly panicked, but Demi couldn't help it. She felt like it's her fault. If she wouldn't have let go of your hand to peek around a few stalks of corn to see if she could find the exit, maybe you wouldn't have wandered off thinking she was still next to you. Maybe you wouldn't have gotten separated.

"Breathe for me y/n. In and out, deep breaths." You wanted to say that you couldn't, because that's what it felt like for a moment, but with her hand rubbing your back and her soft voice in your ear you soon caught your breath and calmed down. You lifted your head when it felt like the panic attack had finally let go, but you noticed that Demi's eyes were filled with tears.

"Demi?" You ran your thumb under her eye, catching the tears that fell. "I'm sorry. I should've told you that I was gonna go peek around for the exit. I'm sorry." She felt guilty, but she had no reason to. You shook your head and kissed her cheek lovingly. "Don't apologize. I'm alright now. Besides, you were here when I needed you most. Can we just go home and watch a movie or something instead? I just want you to hold me." Demi smiled and stood up with you, her hand on your back as you both worked together to find the exit.

When you did just a few minutes later, she guided you back to the car and kissed your temple when you both got inside. "Ready to go home?" You nodded and put your head back on the seat, ready to get home and cuddle with Demi.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now