your child meets Demi's family for the first time (requested)

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You looked back at Sophia who had fallen asleep on the long drive to Demi's parents' house.

The day you've been most nervous about has come. It's the day where Sophia is meeting Demi's family. You've met them before and they're so friendly and kind. But your daughter is a little shyer around new people.

Demi squeezed your hand and flashed you a comforting smile when you looked up at her. "It's alright. Hey, remember how excited they were when you first started to talk about her when you met them? The look of joy they gave you when you showed them the pictures? They're gonna love her, princess. EVerything's gonna be just fine and I promise you that."

She finished by giving you a soft kiss. You let her words sink in for a moment and looked back at your adorable little girl who was sound asleep still with her chin against her chest. "Okay." You took off your seatbelt and got out of the car to get Sophia. You unbuckled her seatbelt and she reached for you right away. You held her tight and Demi closed the door before laying her hand against your back.

Sophia looked around and giggled when Demi booped her nose. The sound made your heart flutter. You live for that little giggle; the one that's been making you smile for the last four and a half years.

Demi opened the door and you walked inside together. "Knock knock!" Demi yelled and her family was instantly rushing from the kitchen to the living room. "Demi! Oh, we've missed you! And y/n! How have you been sweetheart?" Dianna asked cheerfully. "I've been great."

All eyes were on Sophia who had her head buried in your neck. She wasn't being shy exactly, just sleepy. "She fell asleep on the way here," Demi explained as she brushed her fingers through Sophia's hair. "Oh, that's perfectly fine. Understandable since it was a bit of a long drive here. But you're here now!"

"And we have something super special for you, Sophia," Madison explained, grabbing the little plushy penguin - Sophia's favorite animal. She reached for it and giggled as she held it to her chest. She wriggled from your arms, reaching out for Dianna, causing you to feel like a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing!" Dianna cooed.

"Yeah, we've seen pictures of you, little one. But you're even cuter than we could've ever imagined. You look a lot like your mom." Eddie said. Sophia looked over at you and smiled her little smile.

Demi put her arms around you and buried your face in your neck, sneaking a few kisses against your skin. "Told you it'd all be alright. They adore her."

Your heart was melting at the sight of your little girl so happy. It made you happy to see the love Demi's family held for your little girl already. "I love your family." You whispered as you craned your neck to gaze at your girlfriend. "I can guarantee that they love you so much more, and Soph, too."

The sound of Sophia laughing loudly caused you to turn your head. Maddie was tickling her and kissing her face and it made you tear up while your heart swelled just a little.

"I love you," Demi said in your ear. When you looked back at her she was already looking at you, eyes sparkling with happiness. "And I love you, Demi." You said back to her and she moved to kiss you.

"Okay! Who wants dinner?" Eddie asked loudly, interrupting your kiss with Demi. But when you heard Sophia squeal, you didn't really mind.

"Me!" She giggled.

"Well, then. It's settled. Let''s go!" Maddie placed Sophia on Eddie's shoulders and he took her little hands into his and carried her into the kitchen while singing softly under his breath. She smiled and laughed the entire way. She was so happy and so at ease, and it was the most beautiful thing to see.


"Always." You laughed and took Demi's hand, following her family to the kitchen.

This day with her family was only just beginning but you already wished that it would never end.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now