quarantining together with her family (requested)

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You snuck outside in the backyard, in need of some fresh air and quiet from the chaos taking place inside the house.

You and Demi are quarantining together at her parents' house. It wasn't really planned. You only planned for a short visit at first. But things changed so quickly and suddenly you had no choice but to stay.

You're having fun; you do love being around her parents and her siblings. But you're even further away from your family than before when it was just you and Demi living alone back home.

They also kept you both busy. Trying hard to keep all of your minds off of the scary things going on outside. While most days you felt thankful for that, you found it difficult to find private time with Demi, which you could desperately use.

The air was a little chilly but you didn't mind. There isn't much you can do these days so some fresh air always does you some good when you can get it.

You heard the door slide open and then closed before a fluffy blanket was wrapped around your shoulders. You tilted your head back just as Demi leaned down to brush her lips across your forehead. "You okay, baby girl?"

You could see the worry in her eyes but it was nowhere near the worry you've been feeling over the last few weeks. "I don't know. I miss home." She took a seat next to you and put her arm around you. She pulled you close, allowing you to lay your head on her shoulder. "I know you do. I do too."

You both went quiet. Both of you were unsure of what to say next. The only sounds came from the crickets chirping around you and the muffled voices coming from inside. "Do you wanna facetime your parents tomorrow? I know you're worried about them and I think that we should both give them a call. We can talk with them for a while and make sure they're doing good. We'll also plan for a trip there when things get better."

You cracked a smile and nodded before saying two words that broke your girlfriend's heart.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be. I know everything feels scary, but we're safe here. We've got each other. We have food to eat and a roof over our heads. We've got things to keep us occupied until things go back to normal." She paused and took your hand into hers. "Everything will be okay soon, baby. We just have to wait it out. It won't be like this forever."

You nodded, looking down at your feet. You knew you were lucky to have such a safe environment and to have Demi by your side through this. "How about tomorrow we have our own day? Just me and you. We'll stay in bed all day and watch some movies or something. We'll just spend some time together, me and you."

She watched as your lips pulled into a smile and she felt a lot more relieved to see that cross your face, replacing the frown that was there before. "Sounds perfect. I love you."

"I love you too, princess."

She turned her head to look inside the house. The voices faded out, there didn't seem to be anyone around. So with a smile, she cupped your chin and pressed her lips to yours for a passionate kiss.

YOu wrapped your arm around her neck as she pulled you as close as she could, slipping her hand under your shirt to move her fingers along your spine. The door suddenly opened quickly as Dianna excitedly spoke.

"Hey lovebirds! We're all gonna watch a movie. Wanna join?"

You looked at Demi with a smile. "Yeah!"

You stood up and Demi kept her hand on the small of your back as you went inside, closing the door behind you. You plopped down on one of the sofa's in the living room that no one else was on. You cuddled up to Demi; head on her chest as her arms wrapped around you.

"Hey," she whispered to you as the movie began. "You know I'll always keep you safe, right?" You stole a couple of pecks from her lips then put your head back down. "I know. I'm so lucky to have you."

She shook her head with a smile. "No. I'm the lucky one."

Maybe quarantining wasn't so bad when you were surrounded by people you loved

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now