scary movies

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Demi had her arm snaked around your waist and her head on your shoulder as you looked through Netflix in search of a movie to watch with Demi. "What should we watch?" Demi lifted her head from your shoulder and smirked at you. "How about a scary movie?" You were about to protest when she cupped your cheeks in her hands and rubbed her thumbs across them. "Princess there's nothing to be scared of. I'll protect you and if it gets to be too much, we'll turn it off." Her brown eyes were locked on yours and there was no way you could say no.

The beginning of the movie wasn't bad at all. You thought maybe you'd be able to handle it. But then it got scary and gory and you got overwhelmed with fear. You buried your face in Demi's neck and you balled her sweater up in your fists. It was too overwhelming; the sound of the screaming and the crying was just too much for you to handle.

Demi could feel your breath fanning across her skin. She had her arms protectively wrapped around your back and she kept whispering to you that it was only a movie, that nothing bad would ever happen to you, but it wasn't helping you in any way and her heart was aching to hear your muffled cries and whimpers on her skin. She reached for the remote and turned it off.

She rubbed your back for a few seconds before lifting your chin in her hands. "It's over now baby girl. It's okay." You stared into her brown eyes before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her chin. "Thank you for protecting me." Demi giggled but kissed your forehead. "I'll always be here to keep you safe. Now, I think you should pick another movie." She handed you the remote and smiled when you chose your favorite comedy. You rested your head on her shoulder and her arm wrapped around your side to pull you as close as she could. She muttered little 'I love you's' against your shoulder, promising that she'd always be there to keep you safe, no matter the situation.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now