"can you sing to me"

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Demi dragged her feet through the door and quietly closed it behind her. It's after two am and she knows you're asleep but she just got done working.

She feels bad that she's not always home with you anymore, especially before you go to sleep. She loves getting to hold you as you fall asleep, but people keep pressuring her to finish everything she needs to get done sooner rather than later and it leaves her having to spend most of her days there instead of with you, where she'd much rather be.

She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She took a few sips before she heard your voice from the doorway. "Demi?" She turned around and saw you standing there in her hoodie. She had to bite her lip to hold back a smile. "Why aren't you in bed?"

You rubbed your eyes and walked over to her. You put your head on her chest and Demi wrapped her arms around you. "I heard you down here. I missed you today." Demi kissed your head and rubbed your back. "I know. I missed you too. C'mon, let's get you up to bed."

She let you go and took your hand in hers to lead you upstairs to bed. She watched you lay down and she kissed your forehead before she turned her back. "Wait, no. Where are you going?"

Demi frowned at the worry in your voice as if you were afraid she was gonna leave. "It's okay. I'm just gonna go brush my teeth and change. I'll be right back." She promised and watched you nod your head before she went to the bathroom.

She felt like crying. Her busy schedule has left you with barely any time to spend together. She misses you so much and she knows she has a job to do but she knows she needs time with you too.

In the entire two years you've been together you haven't really ever complained about her job. Sure, you aren't always thrilled when she has to leave early and stay late, but she's never heard you say anything bad about it. You've never thrown it in her face. You've only given her love and support. And she really needs that sometimes.

But she knew it was time for her to take a break for a few days and she was gonna spend those days with only you.

She brushed her teeth quickly before changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before she went back out to you.

She saw your eyes were still open. They were hooded, you were so tired, but you clearly wanted to wait for her. She got under the covers and smiled when you instantly crawled into her arms. She wrapped them around you and felt your breath fan across her neck.

"Hi, baby girl" she whispered and rubbed your back. "I've missed you lots," you mumbled sleepily. "I've missed you too. I'm taking tomorrow off." You opened your eyes and locked them on Demi's. "I'm sorry if I complained but-" Demi put her lips on yours softly and she felt her heart warm a little when you kissed her back.

"I don't mind. Princess, I've missed you a lot and I wanna spend time with you. I've been way too busy lately, I just want a day with you." She said when she pulled away and she watched your cheeks turn red. "I'd really love that." She kissed you once more, her fingers running up and down your sides as she did.

You put your head on her shoulder and closed your eyes. "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." Demi chuckled and ran her hand through your smooth hair. "Me too."

"Can you sing to me?" Demi grinned. "Of course. What song?" You thought about it for a few seconds before you decided. "Nightingale." Demi began to sing softly in your ear, her lips right by it as she placed small kisses against it in between her words.

She waited for your breathing to even out before she closed her eyes and put her head on yours, content with knowing she'd get the entire day with only you tomorrow, and hopefully a few days after that too.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now