she thinks you were in an accident

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Demi shook her head in disbelief. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found your number.

She pressed it to her ear, hoping and praying that what the woman on the news was reporting wasn't true.

But you didn't answer and Demi was starting to panic. She grabbed her keys and kept calling you as she drove down to your workplace where there'd been an accident, and there was, unfortunately, a high number of people that had been injured, or worse.

And Demi was terrified that one of those people might've been you.

She saw the ambulances and police cars, heard the wailing of the sirens before she even got to the street. She jumped out of the car and looked around. "Y/n? Y/n!" She tangled her hand in her hair, tugging at it when she didn't hear you call out for her.

She was about to go ask an officer if they knew anything about you, but then she heard your voice come from behind her.

"Demi?" She turned around and saw you there with tear stains on your cheeks. Your hands and heart were both racing and you couldn't get the memory of what had happened out of your head.

Demi ran over to you and pulled you in her arms. "Princess, I'm so happy you're alright." She cupped both of your cheeks in the palm of her hands. "I saw it, Demi... I was so close to it." You sobbed and she pulled you back to her chest.

She wrapped her arms around you securely and for the first time in hours, you felt safe again. "It's okay, baby girl. We can get that taken care of. We'll get you some help if you need it. All that matters right now is that you're safe, okay?"

You nodded and clung to her as she walked you to the car. She safely got you inside the passenger seat before climbing in the driver's seat. She took your hand in hers, making sure you had some type of comfort at all times.

"I know this isn't gonna be easy on you, but I'm with you, okay? Whatever you need to do or you need from me, I'll make sure that you get it. We'll do whatever we have to do to keep you feeling safe. Okay? You're not alone."

She kissed your hand and you managed to give her a small smile. "Thank you, Demi. I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now