an x-factor contestant insults you and she defends you

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It felt good to be back. years after the X-Factor US got canceled it was finally getting picked up again. She looked around the room with a smile as the fans excitedly cheered for her and the other judges. "It's good to be back," she said just as the next contestant walked up on stage.

"Hi," Demi said happily. "Hi" the young woman spoke, clearly a little nervous about her audition. She quickly introduced herself, stating her name and her age before she began to sing. Demi hoped she'd be okay but she wasn't. Demi cringed, though she tried to hide it. But the other judges were unsuccessful at doing so and eventually all you could hear was the sound of the four buzzers going off.

The crowd was filled with murmurs and people nervous about how the woman would react. The look on her face was a mix of anger and hatred. "Demi? What do you think?" Demi stuttered, only a few noises leaving her mouth instead of actual words. "Um... well, I mean it wasn't  great." She paused and the audience laughed making her feel kinda bad for the girl. "Yeah but you gotta admit it's probably better than your girlfriend, right?"

Demi's eyes went wide. "Excuse me?" "And I'm prettier too." The woman was clearly cocky and full of herself, the shy demeanor she showed before was just a facade, her true colors beginning to show now.

Demi let out a nervous chuckle. "What the hell does my girlfriend have to do with this? My girlfriend isn't here auditioning - you are. So don't stand there insulting my girlfriend. It's not helping you any."

Demi was angry. Actually, angry felt like an understatement. She didn't understand why this woman would mention you in the first place. "Can't handle the truth?" Demi scoffed and the audience began to boo the woman. "That's hilarious considering you didn't start insulting my girlfriend until I said your audition wasn't that good. And listen, I tried to be nice about it. But your attitude is revolting. My girlfriend has absolutely nothing to do with this. She's not here, she's not up on that stage singing for the world. You are. And as judges, that's our job - to judge you based on if you can or can't sing. So get off your high horse, you're not making it through. Now get out of here." She said and looked down at her notes, completely ignoring the woman's presence altogether now.

The woman threw down the mic and walked off stage, pushing past the guards and innocent people nearby. "And I'm the one that can't handle the truth?" She joked with one of the other judges making her laugh.

Demi heard her phone chime so she rushed for it, a wide smile on her face when she saw your name on the screen, the text you sent her warming her heart.

Someone there tweeted about what happened. Thank you for standing up for me. Not really sure what I ever did to deserve you but I love with all of my heart.

I'd never let anyone get away with talking so badly about you. You don't deserve that. I love you so much, princess. Be home in a couple of hours. Prepare for lots of kisses and snuggles with me.

She put her phone down and smiled to herself. She knows she did the right thing and she'll never regret it.

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