you burn yourself

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Looking next to you to find Demi asleep you got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to make yourself some tea - one of the only things that seemed to help you fall asleep these days.

You put some water in the kettle and placed it on the stove, impatiently waiting for it to heat up.

Work has had you stressed out lately, more so than usual, and this seemed to be one of the only things that calm you down enough to fall asleep. It's become a habit over the last week or so, and it wasn't a bad one at that.

You yawned and heard the kettle go off. Picking it up from the stove and turning off the switch you went to pour some of it in the cup when you slipped on a few drops of water that you accidentally spilled on the floor.

You landed on the floor and the hot water spilled onto your hand and the floor next to you. You yelled out in pain and heard Demi running down the stairs right away.

When she saw you on the floor in tears she was right by your side, kneeling down next to you on the opposite side of the hot water. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

"M-My hand. I slid on some water on the floor and I spilled the water from the kettle..." You lifted your hand, wincing when you saw the skin. "We gotta get it under some cold water." She helped you stand up and helped you to the sink. You were trembling, clearly hurting and scared.

She turned the faucet on and had you stick your hand under the running water. It hurt at first, so badly that you tugged your lower lip between your teeth. But then it felt a little relieving.

Demi got a towel and wiped the water from the floor, all the while keeping her eyes on you to make sure you were keeping your hand under the water.

When she was finished she pulled your hand from the water and looked it over. You had a few blisters forming where you had gotten burnt and they looked quite painful.

Demi wordlessly led you upstairs and to the bathroom. She grabbed the first aid kit and dug through it for the one thing she was looking for, a moist burn pad. She gently placed it over the mark and then brought your hand to her lips, softly pressing kissing to the places on your hand that hadn't been affected so you wouldn't hurt more.

"Any better princess?" She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and watched you nod your head. You leaned forward, burying your face in the crook of her neck, just in need of her touch and comfort.

"I've got you. I'm gonna take good care of you." She kissed your forehead and then took your hand that wasn't hurting in hers, leading you back to bed. She had you lay down before she took your sore hand and gently placed it above your heart to elevate it.

"If it gets worse I'll take you to the hospital, but I think it should be okay. You just gotta be careful," She kissed your nose and placed the blankets over you.

Once you were both settled in and she slung her arm across your shoulder she turned to you with a little smirk. "You're such a klutz," You giggled, knowing eventually she'd be teasing you for it.

But you didn't mind. You knew she was just messing with you and she'd truly be there to help you in any way you needed till your hand was healed.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now