you pass out (requested)

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More Mother-Daughter moments! I love writing these, they make me so happy!


The last couple of days have been brutal. You've been sick with the flu. You couldn't seem to keep anything down, one minute you're hot then the next minute you're freezing, and it seems like all you've wanted to do is sleep.

You opened your eyes and saw your bedroom was pitch black. The time on the clock beside your bed read 12:43 am. You were thirsty and even though your mom was right across the hall, you know she's been taking such great care of you over the last couple of days, as well as trying to get a few work-related things done in her free time, and even though she'd tell you that she was feeling just fine you knew she had to be tired.

You decided to get something to drink yourself. You carefully got out of bed and when you stood on your feet the room started to spin. You grabbed onto the sheets on your bed and clenched them in your hand. You opened your eyes, instantly regretting it when your knees felt weak and you felt unsteady.

You tried to get back in bed and steady yourself but you were too lightheaded. The room was spinning and then, things went black.

The loud bump on the floor woke Demi up from across the hall. She started to panic straight away, her mind immediately wandering away from her, filled with worry after worry of what it could've been.

She quickly got out of bed and raced across the hall. She swung your bedroom door open and gasped at the sight of you unconscious on the floor. She rushed over to you and began to attempt to wake you up.

"Y/n? Sweetheart, wake up."

It felt like her heart was in her throat and she grabbed your phone from your table and called 911. You opened your eyes slowly. You could faintly hear your mom's voice coming from beside you and when you started to come around you could feel the comforting touch of her hand on your back.


She looked down at you. She was relieved to find you awake but she couldn't ignore the worry that continued to linger. "It's okay, honey. Just stay still, don't move." She continued to rub your back until the paramedics arrived just a couple of minutes later.

She had to leave your side for only a minute only to go unlock the front door for them but she was back by your side in a heartbeat.

"Honey, you have to sit up slowly." She soothed, trying to get you to sit up like the medics wanted. You did as they said, but only because you felt better with your mom there by your side.

"Do you remember why you passed out?"

"I felt really dizzy."

The medic nodded and looked you over, pricking your finger just to be safe. "You're dehydrated." They concluded. "You definitely have a fever too, but since you have the flu that all makes sense. Just try to rest and drink lots of water. It's gonna help you to feel much better!"

They started to gather their things but your mom being the worrywart she is had to double-check once more that you were really okay. "So she'll be alright?"

They turned to her and nodded. "She'll be okay. If anything else happens or she faints again, call us or take her to the hospital. But she's gonna be okay. Once she becomes hydrated again, she should feel a little better and hopefully, this horrible flu will clear up soon, too."

You heard a breath of relief rush past your mom's lips. With her help, you got back into bed and Demi led them back downstairs and out the door. While she was down there she grabbed you some water like they said. Hoping it would help, she also made you some soup, in case your stomach felt upset.

"Here, honey." She said softly as she entered your room again and made her way to your bed. "I got you some water and soup!" She smiled as she started to comb your hair back.

"Thanks, mom. You're the best." You said, voice a little weak as you spoke, but it was better than nothing at all.

She made sure you drank a few sips of the water first. It felt so good against the back of your throat, almost as good as the warm broth of the soup.

You ate as much as you could and drank as much of the water as possible before you were just too tired to do anything else. You laid your head against the pillows and felt your mom pull your blanket over you. With a kiss to your head, she started to rub your back until you fell asleep.

"Goodnight sweetheart. I love you lots." She said then planted one last lingering kiss against your forehead before she got up. She turned off the lamp beside your bed. She kept the door open, as well as hers, just in case you needed her.

She might feel a little more at ease now but she'd definitely be getting out of bed to check on you many times throughout the night, just in case.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now