you know it's gonna get better (requested)

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You shut your phone off and threw it down on the bed next to you.

Bad news. That's really all you ever see these days. Sure, there's a glimmer of good here and there, but it always gets overshadowed by the terrifying things happening out in the world.

You can't remember how long it's been since you've been out of the house other than to go outside. You feel like your days are becoming repetitive, the time is spent doing the same things to try to keep your mind off of the things that get your anxiety going.

You're desperate for a change to come. You can only hope it will.

But today seems to be the worst of all so far in your mind. It just wouldn't stop racing. You wondered how long life would be like this for. When will things become normal again? For now, quarantining is your new normal. It's the world's new normal. But for how long? And at what cost?

It's more than you can take.

Demi walked into the bedroom expecting to either find you asleep or binge-watching a new show on Netflix, but you were doing neither. Instead, you were rocking yourself back and forth on the bed. Your knees pulled up to your chest, your face resting on one. Your hair was messy from clearly pulling at it out of frustration.

She quietly approached you and sat next to you. "You alright?" You turned your head and looked at her with a blank expression. You didn't know anymore.

"Having a hard day with your anxiety today, baby girl?" You nodded and wordlessly let your head fall on your shoulder. Demi understands how you feel. She feels almost the same way and she knows you two aren't the only ones feeling this way.

"It's gonna get better."

"When? How? I'm really scared. I'm worried about my family and my friends. Innocent people are hurting, Demi." She pulled you between her legs, your back resting against her chest as she wrapped her arms around you. "I know. I know it's terrible and it's so hard to know how bad things are out there. But we're safe here, yeah? Me and you. And your family and friends are being responsible about this. They're being safe too, princess."

She kissed your head and then buried her face in your neck, lips lightly pressing against your skin. "It's hard right now. I know that. And I know you're anxious. But things will get better one day. We just have to wait it out. On the bright side, we've got each other. This gives us even more time together. We don't usually get this much time together in such a large block of time."

You smiled a little. That was the one good thing so far. You get to spend every day with Demi. Neither of you got anywhere to go or to be. You really don't even have to leave the bed, although it is nice sometimes.

"I promise things are gonna change one day. It's just a matter of time. We just gotta keep ourselves as sane as possible until that day comes. And when it does, we're gonna be so happy. It's gonna be amazing. Just think of that. Think of all the good ahead of us. I know sometimes it's hard but we gotta stay strong. And we're strong and safe together. We're all in this together."

You tilted your head back and she smiled before capturing your lips in hers. "I love you lots. Now, let's watch 'you'." She said, falling back on the bed and pulling you down with her making you laugh as she turned on the show. You cuddled up together, knowing you were safe in each other's arms.

It's gonna get better soon. You just had to try to stay strong until that day came.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now