smoking because of a stressful event (requested)

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You put the cigarette between your teeth and lit it. You took a drag of the smoke before blowing it out.

You haven't smoked in years. You used to smoke a lot. Every single day for years straight. But you quit and found other ways to cope with your stress and anxiety.

But you've just started again because you didn't know how else to handle it. You just met up with your parents for lunch and they were acting really off. There was no affection, no love between them like there usually is. You asked them what was wrong and that's when they told you they were splitting up. You had to leave the restaurant so you could go cry in your car.

You've always feared this would happen but you always tried to tell yourself that it wouldn't. And now you don't know where to turn. It seemed like smoking was the only option you had.

The patio door slid open and Demi came outside. "Whoa, y/n, what are you doing?" She tried to take the cigarette out of your mouth but you weren't letting it go anytime soon. "Stop, Demi! I need this! I don't know what else to do." You huffed and took a seat on the swing.

You heard her sigh and walk over to you. "What's going on? I thought you stopped a couple of years ago." You nodded your head. "I did. But something happened and I just really need this. I need the stress to go away." Your voice cracked signaling you were about to cry.

You put the cigarette out only to reach for another. "What happened? Tell me, baby girl." You turned your face to look at her and she saw the tears in your eyes. "My parents... they're splitting up." Demi let out a sad sigh and embraced you in a hug. She didn't mind that the smoke was getting in her face. You clearly need her right now and even though she knows you really don't need that cigarette, she wasn't gonna take it away from you at that exact moment.

"I feel like it's my fault." You said softly. Demi shook her head and gently cupped your cheeks in the palm of her hands. "No, princess, you listen to me right now. This is not and could never be your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."

She kissed your forehead lovingly. "I thought they loved each other." Demi nodded. "I'm sure they do. It's just that, sometimes, people grow apart. We can't force what isn't meant to be. I know it sucks but maybe they just need some time apart for a little while." She paused, running her hand through your hair. "There is one thing I'm most certain of though." Your gaze traveled to meet hers and she smiled at you. "They love you so much. I see it, every time I've seen them I see how much they truly love you. Baby girl, that isn't gonna change just because they aren't together anymore. They'll always love you and I'm sure that they're going to be on good enough terms to still see you and be around each other, too."

You sniffled as Demi wiped the tears from your eyes. "You really think so?" "I know so." She kissed your cheek a couple of times and cracked a goofy grin to make you laugh, which she succeeded in doing. The sound of your laugh made her heart skip a beat. It was pure and angelic and she never wanted you to stop.

She reached up and took the cigarette from your mouth. She put it out on the ground and then threw the pack in your hand away in the garbage nearby. "No more smoking, okay?" You nodded. "Okay." She took your chin in your hands and kissed you softly. She could smell the smoke on your breath along with the taste of your minty toothpaste. "I love you so much. I'm always here for you. Next time you're stressed enough to smoke you come right to me instead. Okay? Promise me." You kissed her once more and smiled. "I promise. Thank you, Demi. I love you lots."

She leaned back and pulled you in her arms. "Anytime, beautiful. It'll all be okay."

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now