lock screens

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You sat back against Demi's chest, laying close to her as the scary movie played. "I don't like it" you mumbled and pulled on her hands to cover your eyes. Demi laughed and rubbed your back. "It's okay, I've got you, princess."

You jumped when Demi's phone chimed on the table. "You get so scared so easily" Demi joked. "I can't help it! This movie is spooky. Can't we watch something else?" You pouted at her, your bottom lip ticking her making Demi sigh before she agreed. "Well, how can I say no to that face?"

You kissed her softly before moving off her lap and quickly reaching for the remote to find something else. "You find something. I'm gonna grab some more water." She said and kissed your head and got up.

You heard her phone chime again. You glanced down at it to see who it was so you could tell Demi but the photo she set as her lock screen caught your attention.

It was of you; one of the pictures she took of you when you were on vacation together just a couple weeks ago. She's never had just you as her lock screen before, only the two of you together. But it was just you now and it made your heart flutter.

"Demi?" She walked back into the living room and saw you grinning at her. "What's up, baby girl?" You bit your lip and held out your hand. Demi took it and sat down on the couch only for you to climb on her lap. "I saw something..." She furrowed her eyebrows and chuckled.

"Oh? What'd you see?" You kissed her cheek, your lips lingering there for a second and you smiled against it. "Your lock screen. It's of me?" You looked at her to find her cheeks turning pink. "You're blushing!" You teased and she giggled again. "Yeah. You are. I love that every time I unlock my phone, I get to see your pretty face."

You hid your face in her neck as your cheeks started to turn red. "Now who's blushing?" She joked as she tickled your side and made you laugh. "But seriously, y/n. I love you a lot, and I couldn't help but make you my lock screen."

You kissed the corner of her lips and reached in to the pocket of your hoodie. "You're mine too." You murmured and showed her your lock screen, which was of a picture you took of her recently. "I love your beautiful smile. I had to make it my lock screen." Demi cupped your cheeks in her hands and brushed her thumbs across your cheek. "Love you."

You pressed your lips to her forehead. "I love you too."

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now