I'm not ready to say goodbye (requested)

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You kept your eyes closed as you focused on the sound of Demi's voice as they sang you your favorite song, trying to bring you some much-needed comfort - like they've been trying to do every day since you've been stuck in this hospital.

It's been a long and agonizing few months, fighting a battle that, deep in your heart, you knew you wouldn't win. It's been hard on all your loved ones - friends, family... Demi.

They've struggled with the news the most, only shedding tears and willingly falling apart when you wouldn't be able to see them cry.

Leukemia is never easy on anyone. You went through all of the options you were given but none of them seemed to work, which was a terrible realization for you and everyone around you.

Since then, you've found yourself cherishing each and every day that you have.

You see your family and friends every day and Demi hasn't left your side in so long, only for small things like showers and to use the bathroom when needed.

Just as you are, they too are cherishing each and every minute spent by your side.

"Demi?" You interrupted their soft voice as they stroked your cheek and sang quietly.

They immediately stopped and sent you a small but sad smile.

"What is it, baby? Do you need anything?"

You shook your head and held their hand tighter and they squeezed it a little, encouraging you to do the same.

But your grip gets weaker and weaker every day. You're losing your energy. You're losing your fight.

"I love you."

"I love you too." They smiled, kissing your cheek.

"I know you pretend to keep it all together for me. I'm struggling to do the same for you."

"No, baby. Don't hold it back. Whatever you need to say, you can always tell me."

You sniffled and stared up at the ceiling in silence.

"Y/N?" They whispered softly, brushing their fingertips across your hand.

"I know I'm running out of time. I know it's not going to be much longer." You mumbled. "I'm trying to fight through it but it's getting harder and harder. I'm so tired."

"I know you are." They said as they fought back their tears. "I'm proud of you. I know all of this has been so hard on you. I can only imagine how hard it's been to keep fighting. But you're so strong and so brave and I hope you know that."

"I do and it's been a little less scary and less difficult when you're here by my side."

"Trust me, baby. I will not be leaving you."

"Not until I leave, right?"

They hung their head and let out a shaky breath.

It's so hard. The pain so intense. Knowing it's just a matter of time. The doctors and nurses say it's not going to be long, maybe just a few days more until you'd be gone, and that has been so hard for Demi to come to terms with.

"Yeah." They sniffled, forcing a smile despite the tears in their sad brown eyes.

"I'll watch over you. I'll look down on you." You said and they cracked a small smile.

"I will always try to remember that when things get rough." They said.


They hung their head, lower lip trembling more than ever.

They tried so hard to hold back their tears. They don't want to cry in front of you, terrified that it would make things harder or scarier for you.

But they couldn't help but fall apart. It was too real; knowing that their time with you was coming to an end.

"I'm not ready." They cried. "I'm not ready to say goodbye to you."

Your tears started to fall again as you watched them cry.

"There's so much you wanted to do, so many dreams you had. I wanted to make them all come true for you. You deserve it."

"I know." You whispered. "But when I look back on my life, on my time with you, there isn't one single regret that I have. I only feel happiness. When I think about the moments we spent together, talking about anything and everything. When I realized that I was in love with you, that for the very first time, I knew what love truly meant. I only ever feel happiness. Because that, my love, is all you've ever given me."

Their lip continued to tremble as they brought your knuckles to their lips, kissing them softly.

"We had our moments where we disagreed on things. But those are silly, stupid moments that don't ever compare to the love you've given me and the memories we've made. In fact, I forgot about those moments long ago. They never mattered. All that ever mattered, and still matters, is you. Only you."

They smiled through their tears.

"I'm never going to fall in love again."

"You will."

"I won't." They insisted, but you just shook your head.

"You will. That's okay with me. Because I only want the best for you. I only want you to be happy."

They cried, sobbing so hard as her entire body physically ached, her heart hurting the most.

"You're beautiful and funny and you deserve the world. But, baby, the world does not deserve you." You said as you soothingly brushed your thumb across their knuckles.

"Don't let go yet. Please."

"I won't. Not just yet. I've got a little more fight left in me, a little longer to be with you."

"I love you."

"I love you too." You said and kissed their lips when they met yours.

They pulled away, softly caressing your cheek, swearing that they wouldn't let go until you were ready.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now