arguing with you when they don't know that you're sick (requested)

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Your eyes flew open when you heard the front door loudly slam shut.

As hurried footsteps appeared on the stairs and then down the hall to yours' and Demi's shared room, you looked at the time on the clock.

It was a little after midnight.

You've been asleep for the last five hours yet, as you roll over and the ache in your stomach returns, you wanted nothing more than to just close your eyes and sleep a while more.

You could hardly keep your eyes open. They felt so heavy and with how awful you felt, you didn't try and force yourself to stay awake.

You knew it was Demi nearing your shared room. You just thought they'd change and crawl into bed and cuddle you to help you feel a little better.

But, to your surprise, they seemed very upset with you.

"Are you asleep?"

You could sense the frustration in their voice. So you did your best to open your eyes and look at them.

"Almost. Why?"

"Is this how you've spent the last few hours?" They asked as they set their bag onto the floor before folding their arms over their chest. "Sleeping in bed? Doing nothing? While I waited for you to show up, this is what you were doing?"

You were very taken aback, and even somewhat offended, by the way they were speaking to you.

"That's not fair, Demi. For your information-"

"That's not fair?" They repeated, interrupting you. "Let me tell you what's unfair! What I had to go through tonight! You missed my show, y/n! The one I needed you there for! Remember?"

You pinched your eyebrows together, a little confused over what exactly they meant.

"Dammit, y/n! My show was tonight! The concert! I told you how nervous I was about it. I needed a little support from my girlfriend! But guess what? I went on stage and you weren't there. I would look all around for you while changing my outfits and who wasn't back there? You. I looked everywhere, I waited and I hoped you'd show and you never did!"

You remembered then.

The concert.

They've been working so hard to prepare for this. But it was their biggest show in quite a while and since so much has changed since then, they needed your support.

But you were so sick you couldn't make it. And you felt so exhausted that, upon feeling sick, you just crawled into bed and went to sleep. You forgot to call. You forgot to text. You forgot to say something, anything, to inform them about your absence.

"Demi, I'm so sorry."

You watched as they rolled their eyes.

"Will you please listen to me?"

"I don't know, y/n. I'm pretty pissed right now. I wanted you there, I needed you there. It was bad enough that you didn't care enough to show but you didn't even care enough to tell me that you weren't going to show!"

"What? Didn't care? Demi, I love you more than anything. I care about you and everything you do. You're the love of my life. I wouldn't miss these things if I had control over it. But I'm sick."

Right away, their anger and disappointment seemed to fade as those words left your lips.

"I felt sick so I left work early and I came home and took a shower before crawling into bed. I meant to text you but I forgot. I wanted to show up, I truly did. But I didn't want to spread whatever I have to anyone else and I just wanted to sleep."

They frowned and walked to you before putting their hand on your forehead.

"You're burning up."

"I know. I've also been throwing up and my head hurts, as well as my stomach."

"And here I was, yelling at you. I was so upset I didn't even allow you to speak and I didn't listen."

"No, Demi, it's okay. I know you've been through a lot lately and this show was a lot for you to do. I wanted to be there with you, more than anything."

"I know." They smiled and kissed your forehead. "You were responsible by staying home so you won't spread your sickness to anyone else. Now, roll over. Let me give you cuddles to show you how terribly sorry I am for all the things I said."

"Whoa, wait. Didn't you just say I was responsible by not spreading my germs to others?"

"Yeah, well, you're my girlfriend. This is different. I'm going to take care of you and make you feel better. Let's start with cuddles."

The smile on their face warmed your heart and the sparkle in their eyes made it skip a beat.

"Unless you need me to get you anything else before I hold you. Some soup? Water?"

"Nope. Just cuddles from my baby."

They smiled a little brighter and laid down before bringing you into their arms to hold you close.

"I love you."

"I love you more." They said, lovingly kissing your head. "I'm sorry you don't feel good. Hopefully it won't be long until you feel more like yourself again. I'll take good care of you until you feel better."

"Thank you."

"Lay your head on my chest and close your eyes."

You did as they said and soon, their heartbeat filled your ear.

"Get some rest. Let me know if there's anything you need and I'll get it for you. I promise, my love."

As you drifted off to sleep, you wondered how you ever got so lucky.

It wouldn't be long until you felt much better. You've got Demi by your side and that's all you need.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now