at least you're okay (requested)

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"Have a good flight, my love. I can't wait to see you soon. I love you lots." You quietly read the text from Demi aloud, your heart racing with excitement as you realized the moment had finally come and it would only be a couple of hours until you were back in their arms again.

They've been on tour for the last month and you've been missing each other like crazy. So, with some time off of work, you decided to use it to go pay them a visit and you couldn't be more excited about it.

You texted Demi back, telling them that you love and miss them and can't wait to see them so soon.

After, you turned your phone off and got comfortable in your seat.

You decided that you'd use this time to get a little extra rest since you've been lacking sleep due to working a lot lately.

You closed your eyes as the plane took off, thinking that you were in safe hands and soon, you'd be back in Demi's arms, safe and sound.

But something made you stir not long after the plane took off. Some turbulence in the plane made your eyes open as people around you began to mutter and chatter with each other in confusion and fear.

Your heart was starting to pound from the anxiety you felt. You weren't sure what was going on, but you knew it wasn't good.

Suddenly, the oxygen masks deployed and the pilot's voice was heard over the loudspeaker.

You could tell the poor guy was trying to keep his head on straight and keep everyone calm despite freaking out himself, which you could sense in his voice.

The panic was evident.

Everyone felt it, including you.

Suddenly, the plane started to go down. But the screaming from all around you and the fear you felt faded out quickly, as everything went black just a few seconds later.

It was a couple of hours later and just a few minutes before Demi planned to leave the hotel room and go to the airport to meet you there.

They opened twitter, planning to pass the time by interacting with fans a bit, only to see the trending hashtag and the news article at the top of the trending section.

Their heart dropped upon seeing the details. It was your flight. That's the plane you were supposed to be on. It was supposed to be here in just a few minutes. They were supposed to be picking you up from the airport.

They sat up, a rush of anxiety flooding over them as they dialed your number, only to get no answer.

Cursing under their breath, they grabbed their things and headed out of the room.

They called different hospitals around the area that the plane had crashed in and finally, they got through to someone.

And the tears began to fall down their cheeks as soon as the nurse said that you were in the hospital, one of the people injured in the crash.

Demi broke down immediately.

Before, they had this terrible feeling in their gut, just feeling like something wasn't right with you.

But hearing it get confirmed was hard to bear, causing the tears that stung their eyes to fall down their cheeks.

"But she is okay."

Demi's heart almost stopped beating at that moment.

"She is?" They asked, hoping they heard the nurse correctly.

"Yes, she will be. She has a few injuries. She's got a concussion, some broken ribs, a broken leg, and some cuts and bruises. But it could've been much worse. Given some TLC, she will be okay."

"If I get on a flight right now, can I see her?"


Demi sobbed again but this time, over the relief and the gratitude they were feeling.

"Okay. I'm on my way right now. I'll be there soon." They said and ended the call before heading to the airport.

They booked a flight and got on the plane, never once stopping to think twice.

It wasn't long before they arrived. Having the information from the nurse, they got into a cab and headed to the hospital you were in, still crying a little.

When they arrived, they gave the driver some money before rushing inside and to the nurse at the desk.

"I think I was talking to you on the phone. My girlfriend is here. She was in a plane crash and you said I could see her because she was going to be okay!"

The words fell from their lips in a rush but it wasn't the first time the nurse has been here with pick family members and friends, so they understood each and every word.

They got up and walked Demi back to the room you were in and a moment later, they were walking into the room and over to your side, listening to you breathe.

Sitting in one of the chairs by your bedside, you were sleeping a little but woke up when you felt a hand over yours.

"Demi?" You mumbled as you opened your eyes.

"Hi, princess!" They grinned through their tears. "I'm here."

You looked around the room before swallowing thickly and chuckling quietly.

"Not exactly how I imagined we'd reunite."

They laughed tearfully and bit their lip, nodding in agreement.

"I swear, I almost had a heart attack when I found out your plane crashed. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay. My leg is broken-"

"No." They interrupted, voice soft. "I didn't mean physically, baby. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to hear you say you're okay physically. I know the injuries you have, they told me. But I meant mentally and emotionally. I've never been in that kind of situation. It's something you only see in movies or hear about on the news. I never thought I or anyone I love would be involved in an actual crash. If it's taking a toll on you mentally or emotionally, you can talk to me."

"I don't remember a lot of it." You said a moment later. "I woke up after falling asleep and everyone was panicking. I tried to stay calm, but my anxiety kicked in and so that didn't last very long. But then, I heard the pilot and he was panicking and I just knew that it wasn't good. If they panic, you know something's wrong."

You swallowed thickly, flashing back a bit to everything.

"I went unconscious. I don't remember much until paramedics arrived and were by my side. People were injured. I wasn't the only one that was hurt. Some people weren't hurt as much, others hurt worse. But some people... weren't so lucky. It was so scary."

"I can imagine." They said and kissed your hand softly. "But at least you're okay. You're alive, that's all that matters to me."

"Me too." You sniffled. "Thank you for coming. Don't you have shows to do though?"

They scoffed, rolling their eyes.

"Don't start." They playfully warned. "The shows aren't as important as you are."

"I love you."

"I love you more." They smiled. "Everything's going to be okay. Whatever you need, whatever you have to do, we'll do it together."

"Okay." You said and wrapped your pinky around theirs before closing your eyes as they leaned in to kiss your forehead.

You've never felt more grateful before. You're so thankful to still be alive and to have the love of your life by your side through the good, the bad, and all the in-between's that life throws at you.

You don't know what will be next but you know, without a doubt, you'll be okay because you've got Demi by your side; always.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now