Chapter Fifty-Eight: Rise Up

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~ Rise Up  ❀  Andra Day ~

~ Rise Up  ❀  Andra Day ~

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Breathe, Mari. Breathe.

I continue to inhale and exhale on the floor of the bathroom stall I have decided to take shelter in. The tears are leaving sticky trails on my face as I cradle my throbbing head in my hands.

I'm so stupid.

How could I think that I was good enough to do this? Summer is the level of talent they are looking for, not some poor little girl with a big dream from Bakersfield.

If Summer sounded that amazing, I can only assume the others auditioning had that same level of strength and power to their voices. I really tried to find that within mine too, but now I'm scared it's just not enough.

They only accept about two or three transfer students so my chances are already slim and seeing Summer knock their damn socks off makes me feel like... it makes me feel like there is only one spot left.

Why the hell would I get it?

I roll the three-quarter sleeves of my maroon dress up hoping that it will effectively cool me down as I take a deep breath. It is incredibly hot in here and I was doing everything possible to cool down before I got an unfortunate sweat stain on my pits.

But every time my heart slowed to a less irregular rate, the fear crept back in and the tears weren't far behind.

I hear the door of the bathroom squeak loudly as it opens and I immediately rolled my eyes. I know it's Aiden. There is no way a 'ladies restroom' sign will stop that boy from following me in to make sure I'm alright.

I'm actually surprised it took this long.

"Grey, I really don't want to talk right now," I whisper loud enough for him to hear me. His footsteps seem to stop only shortly after entering, telling me he isn't standing right outside the stall.

"I just can't do it. I'm not ready for this... I know you don't want to hear it, but I don't think I'm good enough," I reveal before another round of tears trails their way silently down my cheeks.

He's quiet, surprisingly. Aiden's never quiet.

I mean, I did say I didn't want to talk right now but, come on, now he chooses to listen to me?

"Yes, you are, Mija."

Holy shit. I don't think that's Aiden.

My eyes widen and the tears immediately stop as the voice reaches my ears and sets my heart beating out of my chest.

"Mamá?" I ask, even though I know it's her on the other side of this door. I just had to make sure I wasn't imagining things, or else that would be a whole other issue to deal with.

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