Chapter Thirty-Six: Boom Clap

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Have you ever sat in complete silence in the pitch black as the sound of rain pounding the roof fills the entire room and the lightning outside was the only source of light?

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Have you ever sat in complete silence in the pitch black as the sound of rain pounding the roof fills the entire room and the lightning outside was the only source of light?

Yeah, me neither.

I let out an ear-piercing shriek once the power blew and we became surrounded by nothing but darkness. I jump up from the couch when the first lightning strike illuminates the living room from the sunroof.

"Holy shit! We're gonna fucking die!" I yell. I'm panicking. First Aiden attacking Luke and now a power outage with a raging storm outside? This is the end.

"Shut up, Mari!" I hear Lexi yell at me from her spot on the rug. She gets mad when I cry bloody murder during a storm.

I reach my arms out and try to feel for the couch. Once I find it, I crawl on and sit down to take a breath. Deep breath, Mari.

"Cálmate, Mi Amor! It's just rain!" Abuelita wraps her arms around me as I shake. The thunder outside is chilling me to the bone. ("Calm down, my love")

"It's not just rain, Abuelita! It's thunder and lightning and shocks–DEATH shocks! I watched the video in school about the kids who were playing and got shocked by the big box in their front yard and DIED!" I can feel myself panicking as I recall the video from class two weeks ago.

How could they show 5th graders scary stuff like that? It's like they want us to be scarred for life!

Abuelita chuckles at me slightly, "Mi Amor, no te preocupes, we don't have a power box in the yard!" ("Don't worry")

She's not wrong...

"They died in a lot of different ways, Abuelita!!" I pout at her angrily as I clutch my legs closer to my chest when I hear another booming thunder sound.

"Okay... well think about this instead," she grabs onto my chin and forces me to look at her, "the best part of the storm, is after it's over and a beautiful rainbow takes its place."

My brows furrow slightly, "Really?" She knows I love rainbows, no fair!

She smiles widely at me, "Really."

I take a deep breath as the memory washes over me. I feel my chest twinge in sadness but smile nevertheless. These are good memories and they should be remembered as such, despite all of the sadness.

"The generator should have turned on by now... I don't know what's wrong," I hear Mason mutter in confusion. That's true! These people should have a working generator!

"I'll go out there once the rain has settled to see what's going on, but for now let's get the flashlights in our rooms," Aiden speaks out now and I see a movement in front of me, which I assume is him.

He quickly comes back with a small battery-powered lamp and places it in the middle of the room, illuminating it enough for me to see the faces of my friends.

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