Chapter: Twenty-Two: New Rules

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This is awkward

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This is awkward.

Aiden and I are sitting across from each other, crisscrossed on my bed, in complete and total silence.

After Lexi had left, Aiden ended up slowly getting off the floor, rubbing the back of his head before sitting down on my bed again. Where we have been since then.

In complete and total silence.

I purposely did not make eye contact with him and stared at my blue mosaic bedspread deep in thought.

What the hell do we do now?

I put so much effort into not letting this happen and it happened anyway. I just couldn't help myself.

When I'm around him, he clouds my senses, my judgment, and I can't think straight. His voice sends goosebumps running down my arm and his eyes constantly burn into mine with an intensity that I have never experienced before.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I glance up at him through my lashes, deciding to take a chance, and see that he is also staring down at my bed deep in thought.

Does he regret it? Did he wish that we stuck to the predetermined rules set up to prevent this from happening? Is he thinking about the various outcomes of this makeout session or the possible repercussions of it?

But more importantly, did he enjoy it?

I blush at my thoughts as I think about everything that just happened again in vivid detail. I really enjoyed it.

Aiden suddenly looks up and makes eye contact with me while inhaling confidently, "So... what now, Torres?" he asks, being straightforward.

My breathing picks up as I start to panic. I can't have a relationship with him during the busiest time of my life. Even this kiss has taken up a good amount of studying time for my anatomy test, which I'm scared of failing now because every time I look at a fucking organ I going to have some heated flashbacks.

I exhale deeply, "Um... I don't know? Forget it?" I mumble, not really meaning what I said. I know I could never forget that.

Aiden rolls his lips inside his mouth and shakes his head slightly, looking down on the bed once again, "I'm sorry, Torres. But I can't forget this. Not this time."

Oh god.

Now I'm thinking about the kiss and the events that conspired during the night of the bonfire. My cheeks are bright red at this point.

"Yeah. okay... then we are back to I don't know," I say quietly, looking at him and waiting for him to spit out an idea anytime soon.

"How about... we stay friends but... more at the same time?" He asks carefully, awaiting my response.

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