Chapter Eight: Sweet But Psycho

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"Right there, Aiden"

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"Right there, Aiden"

"We could do a story about two girls who meet at a bar and one helps the other on their journey of self discovery and fall in love?"

"Harder, Aiden... That feels so good, shit!"

"Or we could focus on a guy and a girl that meet in high school, BUT the guy is actually this 500 year old vampire who was in love with the girl's twin-double think like a hundred of years ago!"

"I'm so close... don't stop"

"Wait. I think that's the plot of the Vampire Diaries..."

Luke has been throwing out idea after idea while he washed, and I dryed, the dishes.

But all I could focus on was the incredibly, and most likely over-exaggerated, moans of the girl Aidens having sex with.

Why does this suck so bad?

"How about we just go with a classic 'write what you know' and write about a high school romance?" Luke asks, raising an eyebrow and craning his neck in my direction.

"Um, yeah sure," I answer absentmindedly, still drying the plate in my hands while looking at the floor.

Why the hell are they still fucking?

What is this round... 3?? I don't understand how someone can go on for that long without getting bored. He can't be that good.

Does he know I'm here? Maybe Luke gave him a heads up and he decided to further piss me off by making sure the girl was a screamer.

"Mariana!!!" I snap at my thoughts, seeing Luke now standing right in front of me with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah?" I ask, my mouth slightly open helping me breath in some extra needed air.

Luke slowly grabs my hands that were clutching the plate and taking it out of my hands and gently placing it down on the counter, "The plate's dry."

I stand up a little straighter and lick my chapped lips before giving Luke a tight-lipped smile, "Yeah, I know. I'm just... diligent when washing... dishes." I end with an awkward cough.

He looks at me like I'm crazy, "Okay..."

During our conversation, the noise has died down.

I guess they are finally finished.

I awkwardly stand in my position against the counter as Luke continues to wash the dishes, in silence this time.

My head snaps to the left when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

The redhead from the night of the party reaches the kitchen, holding her heels in her hand wearing a red bodycon dress. Her hair was a complete mess all around her face.

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