Dinner continued smooth and after cleaning everything, I watched her while she washed the dishes. Of course I tried to persuade her not to wash them but...when have I been able to change Demi's ideas? No one can do that. It's impossible.

Demi: do I have monkeys on my face?

Nick: what?

Demi: (She laughed) You were looking at me too deeply. Why?

Nick: oh I just...I'm waiting for you to finish with that so I can talk seriously

Demi: I'm a little scared that you say it with those words

Nick: I thought it was a serious conversation

Demi: It is, but...I don't know. I'm a little nervous, for no apparent reason (I nodded and she cut the water, leaning her body on the sink to look at me intensely)

We looked at each other for a couple of seconds in silence. It wasn't even completely silent, actually. It was as if our eyes spoke for us.

Nick: it's been a while since we last looked at each other this way

Demi: I known..and it's strange because I still feel comfortable when we do it, even if you can read my very soul that way

Nick: well...sometimes it feels good to open up to the core with someone

Demi: yes...(she whispered and then moved her eyes to the floor before looking at me again) I must go to the bathroom, it'll only be a minute

Nick: can we talk when you're done?

Demi: yes, of course

Nick: alright. I'll wait for you on the sofa

Demi: okay

The minutes seemed to last forever as I waited for Demi, on the sofa, with the lights minimally on, and the whole house in overwhelming silence. I glanced at the clock impulsively, the hands said 10:32 p.m.

What are you going to say to Demi? You don't even know what the hell you're going to tell her and you want her to come back?...Come on Nick. Don't be so stupid. For God's sake!

Demi: I'm back (she said softly before sitting next to me on the sofa)

Nick: umm great (I said moving my body to face her and be able to see her better)

Demi: I guess it's about time to talk...

Nick: I think so (she sighed)

Demi: I would like to apologize for the way I acted the last time we saw each other. You are fully entitled if you don't want to see me after the things I told you that night. I'm sorry I compared you to Bomba, you're not like him and I know that very well...it's just that I didn't expect you to kiss me at the time. I thought we had already passed the stage of casual sex

Nick: I'm sorry for it...I wasn't really thinking like I use to but I know that's not an excuse anyways. You deserved to be treated better and I just...got caught in the moment. So, sorry again

I looked Demi in the eye and shook my head before sighing heavily.

Nick: I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts. I thought it was the best for both of us

Demi: the best for both of us? Why would it be? We are best friends, Nick. We are always supposed to be united...It's never "the best" for both of us, not talking to each other. Or do you feel better without me in your life? Because if that's the case, then I can step aside.

Nick: Demi, no...it's nothing like that. I think I didn't express myself well. I just-

Demi: don't feel guilty if you don't want to see me or meet with me...I would understand. The truth is that I'm not very good for anyone...

Skin, Heart and Mind  ~ Nemi Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon