Demi: I know, don't worry. We'll be there

Dave: "we'll" be there? (I shrugged my shoulders)

Demi: you didn't think I'd leave Nick alone here...did you? (He smiled)

Dave: of course not.  Run inside before they see you and don't be late for your bus.

Demi: okay, thanks, you're the best (I ran to enter the club again and started looking for Nick with my eyes. He wasn't in sight)

I called his phone and someone answered the call.

Demi: hi?

X: hi, are you friends with Nick Jonas?

Demi: umm, yes, I am. Where is he and who are you?

X: I'm the bartender. Your friend is asleep or unconscious at the would be great if you could come get him

Demi: fuck! (I said and cut the call before walking to the bar where I found Nick with his eyes closed and his head on the bar next to an almost empty bottle of whiskey) Damn, Nick (I moved him a little and he opened his eyes trying to see my face) thank god you're still alive. You're an idiot (I said and slapped his arm)

Nick: Demee? (He asked me, turning the "i" into "e" as every drunk person would do)

Demi: shut your mouth and help me get you into Max's car

Nick: where is everyone?

Demi: they left you here alone, cause you're mean to everyone on the team

Nick: and with you I'm not mean? (He asked me as we got to Max's car, me holding him by his waist)

Demi: with me, you are even worse

Nick: and then why are you here with me? (I opened the car door and made him sit on the seat)

Demi: move

Nick: hey, you still haven't told me why you're here with me? It's because you love me? (I closed the car door after getting in and pushed Nick to the side causing his head to hit the window glass) hey! that hurt

Demi: shut your mouth, idiot (Max laughed and the car started moving back to the bus stop)

Max: what happened to him?

Demi: he broke up with his girlfriend and drank too much whiskey. Apparently no one wants him anymore because he's a jerk...but I couldn't leave him alone

Max: of course you couldn't Demi

Demi: it scares me when he drinks this much

Max: why?

Demi: his diabetes. His sugar could lower and if I don't recognize the symptoms, it could be lethal

Max: don't worry, I don't think something's wrong...he looks calm (I looked at Nick and he was asleep with his head on my shoulder)

Demi: the worst of all this is that our team left him alone and drunk in a bar, even knowing that it can end very badly

Max: luckily, he has you

Demi: (I sighed nodding) I think he would do the same for me

Max: of course he would

All the way, Nick stayed asleep on my shoulder and I checked every 10 seconds if he was still breathing and looking safe. I was really scared of making mistakes regarding her condition, because I knew how difficult to control his illness was.

Demi: I'm going to kill him once he's conscious again (Max laughed and Nick hugged my hip with one of his arms) what- okay, whatever

When we got to the buses, we saw that everything was already closed and there was nobody outside. Everyone was likely ready to go.

They believed Dave about me, and they don't give a shit about Nick...

Or they don't give a shit about the both of us.

Max: do you need help with the prince?

Demi: yes, please

Max silently led Nick to his bus and smiled at me.

Max: it's already done

Demi: thanks

Max: won't you go to your bus?

Demi: no. I'm not going to leave him alone in that state (he nodded and I got into Nick's bus)

He was lying on the sofa and when I closed the door, he opened his eyes to stare at me with a very sleepy face.

Demi: I hate being the bad one, but you have to take a freezing cold shower right now. I don't want you to die tonight

Nick: huh? (He asked confused and I led him to the shower)

I made him stand under the shower and turned on the cold water. His reaction was instantaneous. His eyes widened and he tried to move but I stopped him.

Demi: don't even dream about it, stay there Nicholas

Nick: uhoh...are you mad at me, beauty?

Demi: it's none of your concern

Nick: it actually is. You called me "Nicholas", and that means I did something wrong. What did I do this time?

Demi: what did you do this time? (I asked wryly) Tomorrow I'll tell you everything you did tonight. Now finish bathing before going to sleep

Nick: don't you want to come with me to the shower? (He asked taking off his shirt and I sighed)

Demi: no Nick, I like sober sex (I told him before leaving the bathroom so that he could finish taking a bath without distractions)

I waited for Nick to finish showering to go into the bathroom again with clothes for him.

Nick: hey, what are you doing? Are you out of your mind? (He asked covering his dick with his hands and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction)

Demi: Nick, you just offered me sex in the shower. I didn't think alcohol made you this dumb, really...I've already seen you naked, you don't have to cover yourself.

Nick: what the hell are you talking about?

Demi: (I sighed) nevermind, get dressed...I'll see you in your room

Nick: you wanna fuck me or something? (He asked with a confused expression)

Demi: oh, I've already done that and we used to like it but...nope, not today (I said and closed the door behind me after leaving the bathroom)

It's gonna be a fucking long night.

Skin, Heart and Mind  ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now