Chapter one

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A/N: Don't give too much love on everything, cause in the end it's going to hurt just as much. 


“Breath Jay, breath, breath, breath.” I was trying to control my breathing while my heart was pumping in my head. I couldn’t stop running now, I was at my breaking point and I trained myself to keep running at exactly that point. Only a few miles left, well that’s what I’m telling myself. I have honestly no idea where I am, but I could see some light in the darkness of the forest.

“Rah, rah, rah.” I looked up to find where the sound was coming from, the only thing I saw were trees moving from the wind. I changed my sight back to the road ahead, focusing on the light.

Before I knew it the sound came back followed by a swarm of black birds flying inches away from my face. I bended my head down trying to protect it by hiding under my arms.

“AAH o my god, get away.” I yelled at the black birds circling around me, I waved my arms around in the air trying to scare the birds away. I kept my head bended down not wanting to lose an eye, but to be sure I squeezed my eyes shut.

While yelling and waving at the birds I managed to keep running and before I knew it my feet were touching the hard surface of some tiles. The birds flew away and I looked up into the bright sky, no more trees blocking the October sunlight. I got blinded by the white sky and stopped running, I was not ready to stop that’s why I stammered back  and the moment I was ready to take my last step my feet didn’t touch the tiles but instead the ground here was way deeper. I couldn’t stop walking backwards onto what I expect to be a road, now both of my feet were in a puddle and I was about to fall on my butt. I looked to my right and saw a car coming my way, maybe this is a good time to yell for help but all I could think of was the car coming my way. All my muscles were disabled and I could only look at the car coming my way when my butt crashed into the hard asphalt of the road.

The car was coming closer and closer and all I could do was look death in the eyes, when two arms grabbed me by my shoulder and lifted me off the road. My face didn’t move, my eyes were still focused on the car and my butt was burning like hell.

“You okay?” I wanted to tell the person who saved me I was okay, I wanted to thank it and I wanted to look it in the eyes. But for some reason I couldn’t do any of that, my muscles were still unable to move and my eyes were watering up. For one second it felt like I was ready to move again but before I could something touched my face, hard. It felt like I stopped breathing, but that was not the case.

Bit by bit I felt all my muscles coming back to life and I turned my head only to look into a pair of eyes, so dark blue they could have been black.

“Did you just slap me?” Was the only thing I said to the boy who saved my life by risking his own life. His face was close to mine but not too close. I looked down at his body to see he was wearing a black jeans, a light blue blouse and a black leather jacket. He looked good. The boy let go of my shoulders and looked at me from head to toes.

“Well yes of course I did. Just checking if there was any life inside of you.” The boy smirked at me and then licked his lips. I let out a snuffle and then shook my head in disapproval of what he just said.

“Well thank you for saving my life, you can go on with your own life now.” I grabbed the boys shoulder and turned him around, I then softly pushed him away.

“Bitch.” Was the only thing he said and after being called a lot of names it didn’t hurt but I did felt the urge to respond.

“You’re a bitch for slapping me.” I yelled out at him, I secretly hoped it wasn’t hard enough for him to hear. But the boy stopped walking and turned around to look me in the eyes, his eyes almost looked bloodthirsty. That moment was the first moment in my life I actually thought someone was going to kill me out in the open. He came closer to me and at this point I was close to peeing in my pants.

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