Random 14: Spinel ACTUALLY Gets Baptized

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Spinel: Slave, change that title right fucking now.

Katlady: Nope! I'm gonna get you baptized for real this time.

Spinel: rolls eyes I'd rather get an electric chair and electrify myself.

Steven: getting the twins ready An electric what??

Spinel: Electric chairs are the new vibrators.

Katlady: to readers Me and my cousin were making jokes about electrifying people in electric chairs, and my dumbass said "Electric chairs are the new vibrators". I feel so fucking stupid, it was funny though.

Steven: Well ,you're both dumbasses.

Pearl: from other room Steven, why is Cuprid running around with a cross? And he has no pants on.

Katlady: HE STOLE MY CROSS! God said, in one of the amendments, Thou shalt not steal!

Spinel: Looks like somebody's a Christian over here.

Katlady: That's what you're about to be in a second. Catholic, or whatever!

Spinel: Unless it's Church's Chicken, not interested.

Cuprid: crawling on the ceiling Hehe!

Steven: confusion What the fuck kind of mutated voodoo shit is that?

Katlady: takes him off Whatever it is, he's gonna be so fucking holy! Let's go get holy!

Spinel: Yeah...no.

Steven: Spinel we can do this the easy way or the-

Spinel is seen trying to run, but little did she know she was out of luck

Steven: pops knuckles This bitch chose the hard way. Tourm?

Tourmaline: sucking from her hydroflask

Steven: Do your cry.

Katlaady: Oh no...not the bitchy white girl cry...

Steven: Yep. The bitchy white girl cry.

Katlady: puts in marshmellows, earbuds, headphones, and extra large headphones Ok...

Steven: Spinel this is your final offer. Come to Church!

Spinel: HELL NO!

Tourmaline: literally does the worst cry of all time

Katlady: runs outside I CAN STILL HEAR IT!!!

Garnet: What's going on?!?


Pearl: What's with all the commotion?!!


Tourmaline: giggles, lays back, and casually drinks out of hydroflask

Amethyst: Bro my head hurts....

Katlady: comes in What?!

Amethyst:  I said my head hurts!

Katlady: WHAT?!

Amethyst: what?!

Steven: puts hand on head Those two are deaf, and my head hurts like shit plus my ears are ringing....but at least I won the arguement.

Spinel: Bro that fucking child...let's get this shit over with.

Timeskip brought to you by Katlady Klawson

Pastor Ass Sprinkles: Now, my wonderful boys and girls, men and women of all ages, thank you for coming here this fine Sunday morning! I would like to thank Sister Shitu, for passing out the mini bibles.

Sister Shitu: smiles

Spinel: This is stupid...

Cuprid: puts his baby hand over her mouth Ssh!

Pastor Ass Sprinkles: Would the lovely lady in the back like to say something for the Lord?

Spinel: Yeah. First of all, I'm loving the name, Ass Sprinkles. Secondly, they forced me here against my will.

Katlady: gives her bible Sh! We didn't do anything!

Pastor Ass Sprinkles: Oh? Don't you like serving the Lord?

Spinel: I don't even know who that is. Does he serve chicken?

Steven: facepalms

Pastor Ass Sprinkles: Hm...well, welcome to Saint Thoust Directory Service.

Spinel: chuckles Bro the initials for that is STD's....

Pastor Ass Sprinkles: Hm...Sister Shitu, Brother Herpes, what do you think about baptizing her?

Brother Herpes: I think so, Brother Sprinkles.

Katlady: YES!! HALLEUJAH!! pushes Spinel into the pool of holy water CLEAR HER OF HER SINS!

Tourmaline: Toy-tels!

Steven: There aren't any turtles, Tourm.

Tourmaline: Fuck.

Katlady takes both of the twins and dunks them in the pool Kobe style

Katlady; Canonball!! jumps in Come have a swim Stee! It's cool!

Spinel:...See, this is why I barely go to church.

Pastor Ass Sprinkles: AMEN!!

Spinel: Go to hell....


Garnet: So, how was the service?

Spinel: I'm fucking wet...and not the wet that I wanna be...

Cuprid: asleep in her arms

Spinel: I'm fenna put this boy to bed, and get this water off of me.

Steven: It went better than before.

Katlady: Yeah! She somehow avoided burning it down this time.

Garnet: sips tea Well that's nice. Glad she behaved.

Steven: smiles Sorta. I think she deserves to go to Church's Chicken.

Katlady; And me!

Steven: Sure....

Steven sees Spinel counting money

Steven: Where the hell did ya get that?

Spinel: Oh come on, you think when they pass me the offering basket that I'm not gonna take my pay?

Steven: sighs Oh boy...

Spinel: I managed to get $20.

Steven: You're going to hell for doing that.

Spinel: grins And I'll have a good time kicking Satan off the throne.

Steven:..Yes...yes you are...

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang