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Spinel: 4 or 5? What?

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Spinel: 4 or 5? What?

Katlady: Remember what Sapphire said?

Spinel: remembrance Aw Dammit...

Steven: Well, maybe if you actually take your birth control....

Spinel: Oh come on! I just missed a few days!

Steven: You missed a whole month, which resulted in Cuprid and Tourmaline. You can barely take care of them, so to avoid overdoing it I suggest actually taking them.

Katlady:slurps Oreo Milkshake Need some ice Spinel? Cause that was a good burn!

Spinel: Well I love my gemlings but birth control...hell naw.

Katlady: I'll print the divor-

Steven: We aren't getting a divorce, idiot.

Katlady: shrugs All divorces start with an argument. Then fighting...then reasons to want the divorce...

Spinel: Kat I have the sudden urge to kick your ass again.

Katlady: You know you're still gonna have the rest of the kids.

Spinel: Says who?

Katlady: Says the new Ask and Dare that's set to when the the twins are 14 and you have a 9 year old and a 6 year old...

Steven: Wait what?

Katlady: realization u-uh...Answer the questions and forget about what I said for a minute.

Spinel: Well being married is actually awesome, and I like being a mother, despite me being a crackhead mom.

Katlady: oK, did you cry when you gave birth?


Steven: grins Spinel you know damn well you cried like the biggest baby back bitch in the world.

Spinel: blushes Alright fine, I cried like the hoe I am. Steven was close to doing it though.

Steven:Yeah, you're right. I almost did it. I shed one or two tears, not gonna lie.

Katlady: cough Cried like a pussy cough

Steven:Oh shut up, it's not like you were there.

Katlady:I didn't wanna witness a snake swallowing an antelope whole... except backwards.

Spinel:Well I'm glad me and Steven are married, and have kids I can spoil with it.

Steven: If you spoil them they'll turn into ....points to Kat

Katlady: Don't put that in my head!

Spinel:There's barely room for you in there.

*Baby Cries are heard from they're room*

Steven: Didn't you put them to sleep 15 minutes ago?

Spinel: Yup...

Katlady: Makes me glad I'm never having kids. Have fun!

Spinel: Shut up!

Keep the questions and dares coming!

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now