Dare 36

616 8 17

Steven: What the hell kind of Kat Kommunity does Virgin have on her paws? Oh well

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Steven: What the hell kind of Kat Kommunity does Virgin have on her paws? Oh well...this is what happens when I agree to any dare...

Steven goes into the living room, where Spinel and the gems are watching a horror movie and Kat is in the kitchen making a baloney sandwich. He has painted his face to make it look like he's getting corrupted.

Pearl: Hey Steven what are you- AAAHHH!!! sees corruption marks!

Steven: What's going on, am I alright!?

Spinel: No you're not!

Katlady: DON'T WORRY STEVEN I'LL SAVE YOU!! rapidly hits Steven with a frying pan

Steven: Ow! Fuck! Bang Kat! Will you - bang Agh! Bang KAT PUT DOWN THE FUCKING PAN!!!!! bang


Steven: Stop with the frying pan shit!

Katlady: Fine...everyone get the exorcism kit.

Pearl: I'll get the straps!

Amethyst: I'll get the ritual book!

Garnet: Steven, can you hear me?!

Steven: Hey let me go! Gets strapped to a random bed Guys this is just so extra!

Katlady: has an exorcist book and cross in her hand It is time to perform the exorcise.

Spinel: ...are you sure this is safe?

Katlady: Yes, Lady Spinel, this exorcism is required. Your boyfriend is possessed by a star demon.

Steven: I'm possessed by a WHAT?!

Garnet: It's alright, this won't hurt a bit.

Steven: What?

They start saying a ritual chant or some shit, and Steven is instantly regretting his life

Katlady: Now...it is time.

Steven: Ugh...

Katlady: pulls out a big ass stake Ready?


Katlady: Make sure you're holding the Bible tight, Spinel.

Spinel: I am...tighter than the Flash's ass...

Katlady: oK! Raises Stake Get out of Steven you horned demon!


Amethyst: Wait! Maybe he's telling the truth! Somebody ask him a question only the true Steven would know! Spinel, how bout you?

Spinel: When was the last time I took a birth control pill?

Garnet: Since when were you on the pill?

Spinel: Eheh... let's get back to the question!

Steven: On Halloween!

Pearl: Is he right?

Spinel: Yeah, he is. Let him go Kat.

Katlady: DAMMIT! I wanted to do an exorcism! That means I got this robe for nothing! Undoes the straps You lucky bastard...

Spinel: Yo, what the hell was that?

Steven: I was supposed to fake me corruption...

Spinel slaps the shit out of Steven

Pearl: Seriously! If it weren't for Amethyst Katlady would've killed you!

Katlady: Twirling the stake Yeah, she's not wrong.

Amethyst: Stop listening to those readers, they're gonna get you killed.

Spinel: smirks Yeah I don't want to have to raise a fatherless child.

Steven: shocked Wait you're pregnant?!

Spinel: Truth is, I actually forgot to take my pill Thursday so...

Katlady: It's not Steven!

Spinel: yes ,it is. Chill the fuck out and put that damn stake away! I could be knocked up without that pill so I got us both fucked up.

Steven: ...

Spinel: Steven?

Steven: faints

Spinel: Steven!

Katlady: I can use my sta-

Everyone: glares NO!

Katlady: Fine! Keep the questions and dares coming. Twirls stake Man I wanted to stab somebody though...

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora