Dare 15

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Amethyst: We need to find her first

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Amethyst: We need to find her first.

Pearl: Wasn't she going to the doctor today?

Amethyst: Oh yeah. Hopefully Kat went with her so she can get her brain checked.

Katlady: I'm actually right here , for your information.

Pearl : Ew, what is THAT?!

Katlady: Hm? Oh this? A couple days ago Spinny made this new food. It's basically a salad with hot sauce, Jell-O, mushrooms and noodles. She ate half but then had a little baby queasiness so I told her I'll eat the rest.

Pearl: You...are disgusting.

Amethyst (shrugs) Well, she better let me try it later.

The trio hear muffled cries coming from outside. It turned out to be Steven and Spinel returning, and Spinel was in tears.

Steven: Go upstairs and get some rest, OK? It's gonna be alright.

Spinel nods and more tears fall down her face.

Katlady: Ouch, is she having triplets or something?

Steven (sighs in sadness) No...she's not having a baby at all right now.

Amethyst: Wait EXCUSE MOI!?

Steven: Earlier when something all of a sudden hit her in the stomach or whatever? That was actually the baby....dying....

Pearl (gasps) Are you serious?!

Steven: Sadly...I am. They got him out of her today.

Katlady: Wait, so I was about to have a nephew! Dammit!

Amethyst: Dear God, is she doing OK?

Steven: She's gonna be depressed for a while, thinking it's all her fault and all. I don't think shell live this down.

Pearl: Well...the Diamonds aren't gonna like this...

Katlady: Since when did they know? !

Amethyst: Technically, we have to let them know about pregnancy of their prized gem.

Katlady: Oh, and she had a dare to do. About her reacting to Corrupted Steven

Steven: I don't want her freaking out even more, and she's not in the shape for that.

Katlady: Well... sorry @Prettymansiontv maybe another time?

Katlady: But, do keep the questions and dares coming!

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now