Ask 41, Dare 50

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Steven: hiding in the bathroom Well, for your ask I'm doing horribly

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Steven: hiding in the bathroom Well, for your ask I'm doing horribly.... and I'm not too mad about the lava shit anymore. I'm more worried about Spinel and her ass-kisser, Hunielight. As for the dare...

In the living room

Spinel: Alright, so when Steven' comes down here I need Chloe to distract him while Hunie knocks him out with a frying pan. Understood?

Chloe: nods Good and clear.

Hunielight: violently and messily eating honey mhm!

Spinel: Alright! Right when he comes down here with his No Nut ass.

Katlady: Wait! What am I supposed to do?

Spinel: Oh. Yeah. Scribbles something on a note Here. It's top secret.

Katlady: Cool! I get the FBI stuff! Reads note

Hey Kat, I want you to make all of us dinner while you're waiting

Katlady: balls paper up Nigga...

Spinel: shrugs Hey. You asked for something to do. There's something right now.

Katlady: Fuck you...

Back to Steven

Steven: Just for that I'm not going down there... I might just drown in the tub for now just to avoid getting raped.

Knock knock!

Steven: ....

?: Steven you better not be fapping your balls off in there.

Steven: No, I'm not, Chloe.

Chloe: Well, can you come down here please?

Steven: No! I know Spinel is down there planning to molest me.

Chloe:Well, she's down there but she's not planning anything, honest!

Steven: Even though I just met you Chloe, I still don't trust you that much if you're with Spinel.

Chloe: Please... Hunielight wants to play checkers with you...and you know how sensitive she is...


Steven: I hate how you're using Hunie Chan to guilt trip me...and it worked, sadly. I'll be out in a minute.

Chloe: A'ight.

Steven: can do it can make it to the ocean and stay there for 2 hours...

Steven opens the door and sees Hunielight coming with the frying pan!

Steven: NOT TODAY YOU GOLDEN BITCH!!!! runs away as Hunie chases him with a frying pan

Hunielight: Hey! That wasn't very nice!

Spinel: Get him, Hunielight Chan! Get him!!!!


Katlady: Oh shit, Steven, Spinel's coming for those cheeks!

Spinel: Get back here I want my Diamond Dick!

Katlady: casually eats lasagna Keep the questions and dares coming.

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now