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Katlady: Who?

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Katlady: Who?

Steven: Todoroki I think.


Steven: Icy.

Katlady: realization Oh yeah! Icy ! Yo, wassup my guy?

Todoroki: hiding in the corner Um..hi...

Spinel: I'm so excited to meet you! Brings him over to the others My name is Spinel! What's YOUR name!

Todoroki: Um...

Katlady: Todoroki!

Todoroki: H-hi...

Katlady: Wassup?

Todoroki: ....

Katlady: Nice!  Look, we're supposed to be cheering you up or something. So... puts helmet on Todoroki I need you for an experiment!

Todoroki: gulps

2 hours later

Katlady: oK! All buckled up?

Todoroki: tape over his mouth while in a box Mmph!

Katlady: I take that as a yes. Ready Spinel?

Spinel: gets ready to push READY!

Katlady: Push!

Spinel pushes the box down the hill and they watch and Todoroki go down at unexplainable speeds

Spinel: Man, that looks fun.

Katlady: Last time I did that I had to get my stomach pumped.

Spinel: Wait, does he have to-


Katlady: sudden realization Oh fuck I forgot about the ditch down there...

Spinel: Uh oh...

Todoroki: Mmph mm mph!!!

Katlady: yelling from the top of the hill ARE YOU DEAD?

Todoroki: whines in pain Mmm...

Katlady: I think that sucka's dead.

Spinel: Should we get a hospital?

Katlady: Meh, he'll be fine. Wanna go watch Captain Marvel?

Spinel: Sure!


Ring! Ring!

Steven: picks up phone Yo, wassup?

Dr.: This is Dr Waxed Testices.

Steven: Waxed Testices? Look, I don't need a testicle wax, aight?

Waxed Testices: Nonono! I called for a Mr. Todoroki? He's sustained major injuries and won't be able to walk for a week.

Steven: Who?

Waxed Testices: He said something about a Miss Katlady Klawson?

Steven: deadpan That dumbass mother- ... What happened?

Waxed Testices: She pushed him down a hill and he landed badly.

Steven: Don't worry, I have something for her bitchass

Waxed Testices: A'ight. Later.

Hangs up

Steven; Katlady is one stupid ass mother fucker...

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