Dare 48

449 10 23

Steven: The gems are off on a mission, so it's just me, Spinel, the binge eating kat, and the crazy Earth Chan hating kid

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Steven: The gems are off on a mission, so it's just me, Spinel, the binge eating kat, and the crazy Earth Chan hating kid...

Spinel: What are we watching?

Steven: puts in URL in YouTube this. Makes sure go get Hunielight Chan. Whatever this is in sure she'll wanna watch it with us.

Katlady: Haha, good luck Spinel. Try not to get stabbed with a knifu while you're in there.

Spinel: sarcastic laughs Very funny, Kat.

Katlady: bows I'll be here all night.

Steven: Please, Kat, just shut up...

3 minutes later Spinel comes with Hunielight happily on her back

Spinel: groans Oh oK..please get off my back...

Hunielight: Am I heavy?

Spinel: I was talking about how your choking me with how tight you're squeezing my neck...

Hunielight: Oops! Hehe! Sowwy! Smiles excitedly So what are we watching?

Steven: Chill out Hunie. I'm actually scared to play this.

Hunielight: Hurry up hurry up hurry up!!!

Steven types the URL in Google and it loads, only to have it say the video is unavailable

Katlady: Aw fuck!! Pouts

Spinel: That went better than expected.

Hunielight: I wanted to watch a video though!

Steven: Trust me. We didn't see a thumbnail and it just said video unavailable, so maybe we just aren't meant to watch it.

Hunielight: But I'm booooorrrrreedddd!

Katlady; Weren't you just in there throwing-

Spinel quickly slaps Katlady to make her shut her dumbass up

Katlady: Ow you Assbag... rubs cheek in pain

Hunielight: Guys can we play a game?

Spinel: What do you wanna play?

Hunielight: Wasn't there a game you wanted to play with me? Something about making Steven-

Spinel: Oh yeah, hehe...that's for later , darling. How about you go find a board game for us to play?

Hunielight: oK!! Can I say the outro?

Steven: Um..sure?

Hunielight: enthusiastic  Keep the questions and dares coming! And ask me some stuff too if ya want!

Katlady: Hunie you can't force people to-

Katlady: DAMN SPINEL! Stop slapping me with those boxing glove hands!!

Hunielight: ...

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now