Dare 95

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Steven: Oh hell naw

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Steven: Oh hell naw. Tourmaline's already turning into a VSCO girl. I damn sure don't wanna turn into her.

Spinel: Speaking of that, the twins are a month old now! smiles Time flies faster than a crackhead.

Katlady: I'm surprised you even remembered that, since your memory sucks ass.


Katlady: in pain WHAT THE HELL?!?!?

Spinel: holds whip You're still my slave, faggot. And never take my memory in vain or I'll fucking kill you.

Katlady: bitch...


Katlady: OW!!

Spinel: anyway...you're gonna have to do the dare, hon. Rules are rules.

Steven: groans The rules suck big old man wrinkly balls...

Spinel: comes in with a mischeivous grin Hey everyone, guess what?

Pearl: Please tell me you finally got kicked out of the White House...

Spinel: Huh? Nope. And I'm still waiting for their approval of the "special" tape I sent them of me and dollface. But anyway, here's the new-and improved- Steven!

Steven enters wearing Nike shorts and white vans.

steven: I feel so damn stupid.

Katlady: You look stupid, haha!

Spinel: gets whip ready


Amethyst: What the hell happened to YOU?!?

Steven: I gotta be  a vsco boy, whatever that is... groans Hopefully Cuprid doesn't turn into this...

Katlady: Nah, he's the child with the bad puns and pranks everyone in the other book.

Spinel and Steven: What other book?!?

Katlady: Um...Steven I may need you to fix the 4th wall...hehe. chuckles nervously Anyway-

Tourmaline: giggles Disco!

Steven: Disco?

Pearl: I think she's trying to say VSCO.

Tourmaline: Visto?

Cuprid: facepalms

Keep them coming!

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now