Dare 17

771 15 9

Steven: Um

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Steven: Um...what the actual fuck did I just read...

Spinel: Virgin, poof up a big juicy cow for us.

Katlady: Fine...snaps fingers Here. The juiciest cow Steven can bite in.

Steven: I'm not doing this without pay ya know.

Spinel: Half of Virgin's Oreo Milkshakes.

Katlady: You have GOT to be pulling the hairs out of my asshole! Don't touch my frosty babies!!!

Steven: I'm not gonna destroy you oreo fetish, Virgin.

Katlady: I'll give you the opportunity to see us catapult Thottie into a junkyard. Deal?

Steven: Alright, deal .

He bites the cow, which triggers to enough get into a bull's stance, getting ready to charge like one.

Steven: Ah shit... 

Spinel: Run Babe, run!!!!!!

Katlady: Well, he's fucked.

Spinel: Got that right.

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now