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Spinel: Is it bad to be bi? Hell no, it's perfectly legal

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Spinel: Is it bad to be bi? Hell no, it's perfectly legal.

Steven: For once, you're actually right. You can't choose your sexuality, and nor can anyone be judged for it.

Spinel: Mhm. Hey, slave?

Katlady: sips oreo milkshake I'm not your slave!

Spinel: smiles Oh really? Doll, you still have a few more chapters to go.

Katlady: Bro you're so fucking racist...

Spinel: I mean, Cobbledick could use a new scratching post....

Katlady: laughs nervously Ehehe...

Spinel: Exactly. Now, go buy my bebez a tazor.


Spinel: So they can taze you with it, duh.

Katlady:...I hate this dare. leaves with a frown BUT I CAN CALL THE DAMN POLICE!!

Spinel: Aren't you the one who set the department on fire while using a fire-gun?


Steven: But as she was saying, nothing's wrong with being gay, lesbian, bi or whatever sexuality you are. And those are facts.

Keep em' coming!

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now