Dare 61

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Earth: So

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Earth: So... Hunielight....


Earth: I know you're still mad at me for something You should've let go years ago...


Earth: And...I know you treasure each and every person you meet, wetter they're a Kun or a Chan or a human. Even animals.


Earth: And I understand how upset you were when Adam and Eve forgot about you. But they didn't! They were searching for you...but they never found you...

Hunielight: ...

Earth: They spent all day and night looking for you Hunie...Eve was crying her heart out.


Earth: Just... sighs Will you please accept my apology? I didn't mean to take any attention from you... and I'm very sorry about all the betrayals you've faced... do you accept my gesture of friendship?


Earth: Hunie?

A sharp object is thrown and it barely misses Earth! It hits the wall and it was actually a big knifu hitting a picture of EC in the chest

Hunielight:.... there's your answer ...

Earth:...oh fuck...

Hunielight: getting ready to throw another

Earth: Bye! Runs out the room

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