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That's right! That bastard isn't president ANY MORE!

Now, before you ask Why let's take a reminder...


2. Barack Obama wasn't barely on the news during office. However, Donald Trump was always on the news because he fucked stuff up.

3. Seriously, China almost Beat our asses....

4. He had association with Ukraine. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has brought in evidence he's been having illegal contact with other countries.

5. Both Republicans and Democrats have witnessed what he's done.

6. Donald Trump thought he was high authority of the land. Article VI of the Constitution states that the president even above the law. U.S vs President Bush proved that. He abused his presidential power and had secret tapes that he didn't want to hand over. Learn more about U.S vs Bush on Google.

The list goes on. But since Vice president always takes office after President, I hope Mike Pence can make America greater than Donald Trump.

I hate how he was racist and said America was "White Man's Country". As a black person, I was very offended.

And I hated how he separated foreign children from their parents. That's fucked up...

I wouldve actually made a background check on the immigrants instead of separating them. Children have DIED!!!

They were literally locked In cages! I was pissed when I saw all that.

I understand you dont want terrorists... but don't put the children in cages, don't separate them from their parents, make background checks for criminal records. If they have diseases, TAKE THEM TO THE DOCTOR AND MOVE ON!!!!

My opinion on the government...

They get involved with the wrong things and make the worst choices...

That's for every country, including the US. We almost had WWIII with Korea...

When we actually need help, they don't do shit...

'Dont do drugs! They killed millions!'

Yet they don't stop the companies from making and selling the product.

The US is fucked up. 2019 has been the worst.

I think the US needs to work on stability and making friendships with other countries instead of causing havoc.

If We got into WWIII the end of tje world would come as we know it.

The us has nukes in ever country in the world, and is the most powerful country. Even best military. A war would mean alot of damage, and if other counties get involved someone could accidentally, or purposely, set off all the nukes. There's thousands ....and that's enough to fuck every country up.

Japan, Russia, Ukraine... every country.

I'm glad our country doesn't have him in office anymore. You may think I'm talking nonsense, but I watch tue news. Where the Supreme Court and Congress met.

It's facts. Who knows what shit wouldve happened if Donald Trump was still in office...

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