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Spinel: It depends whose hornier

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Spinel: It depends whose hornier. Though, I like it when Steven is rough on me... such a turn on~ winks

Steven: Hehe.. lovestruck What can I say? I'm the king of love making.

Spinel: How about we give an example for our good friend @KendrickB? That's if you're not big pussy to do it.

Steven: I'm not a pussy.

Spinel crazy Well why don't you PROVE IT?!!

Steven grabs Spinel and roughly Frenches her. During the process, Spinel wraps her legs around his waist and gets more involved in the kiss.  The kiss breaks.

Spinel: There's your answer, Ken.

Steven: that ive gotten in the mood how bout we take this elsewhere?

Spinel: You read my mind~


Amethyst finds Garnet in the living room sipping coffee.

Amethyst: Yo, Garnet!

Garnet: Hello Amethyst.

Amethyst: Any sign of Kat yet?

Garnet: No, she hasn't even binge eating like she usually does?

Amethyst: That's the problem! I thought I'd see her drinking oreo milkshakes and watching some fuckery cartoon. Anything in your vision about her coming back?

Garnet: depends if her depression gets any better.

Amethyst: aw it's getting boring around here!

Garnet: What about Steven and Spinel?

Amethyst: Well...

Spinel: Yes Daddy! Dig right up my core! AH~!!!

Steven: Aw fuck I'm gonna cum!!!

Amethyst: That.

Garnet grins Don't worry, we'll see if Kat's depression is going ok.

Amethyst: Hopefully. With those two sucking each other off there's not much to do around here. But keep the questions and dares coming! And for the question, I think it was Steven that used more tongue , I forgot what they said.

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now