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Pearl: You have some explaining to do!

Steven: About what?

Garnet: About Spinel.

Spinel: Aw shit... so you know, huh?

Pearl: Yes, I do Spinel.

Steven: Um...so how mad are you? On a scale of 1 to 10 stars...

Pearl: sigh Actually Steven, I'm not mad at all.

Spinel (surprised) Wait really?!

Pearl: I'm actually more worried about you two. Steven and Spinel, do you know anything about raising a child?

Spinel: I mean, I know that they need a lot of attention and stuff.

Pearl: I'm talking about the responsibilities. They cost a lot of money, they can't talk so you have to guess what they , and what will you do if Spinel is poofed or something happened to Steven?!

Steven: I...know something. Like she'll do the breastfeeding and If someone needs to go bowling, I'll do it.

Spinel: Now that I think about it, I don't know if I'm actually ready to be a parent yet...

Pearl: Look, if you think you're prepared, fine. Just be careful, alright? It's not a full gem, so there's a lot of things you don't know about human care.

Steven: I should know, but I can only take care of myself sadly.

Pearl: By the way, have you gotten the checkup yet Spinel?

Spinel: Nah. When am I supposed to do that?

Pearl: I think about every month or so AN: Don't kill me, I don't know shit about pregnancy.

Steven: Maybe you should appoint one next month .

Garnet: Thats a good idea. I think we're done here.

Pearl: I just wanted to have a talk with you...

Spinel: Thanks P.



Garnet: What are those two yapping about?

Steven: Crap. Nothing we should pay attention to.

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) Where stories live. Discover now