Dare 67

378 7 5

Spinel: Whose Connie?

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Spinel: Whose Connie?

Steven: Wicked thot of the west.

Katlady: grins Wanna kidnap her? Its a game that best friends play!

Spinel: swings her noodle arms cause she can YAY! ,puts on black mask Let me get my bag!

Steven: groans You are certainly the best influence for childish beings....

Katlady: says in French voice Well thank you.

Spinel: I got a bag! Hops on Steven's back LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!!!!

Steven: Are you seriously about to make me carry you?

Spinel: cutely nods Pweeeaaaassee?

Steven: groans Ugh....you're so cute I can't resist!

Katlady; Get a room, you two. Fake gags

Steven: Youre fake gagging right now, I bet you're just mad cause you can't gag on someone's dick.

Katlady: ....let's get this over with....

At Connie's window
Katlady: whispering So, here's the plan- I break down the window, Steven covers Connie's mouth so she doesn't scream like the baby back bitch that she is, and Spinel?

Spinel: cutely swinging her arms

Katlady: Use your arms and wrap them around Connie and run  Sonic speed back to the beach house! Got it?

Spinel: still swinging her arms

Steven: already had Connie hostage Or we could've just went on and got her while you were talking shit.

Katlady: Dammit...

Priyanka: Connie Maheswaren , what's going on in there?

Katlady; Now let's run like hell!!

Back at the beach house

Katlady: oK...I really need to get back in shape...

Spinel: So now what?

Connie: tied up WHAT THE HELL BRO!?

Steven: Yo, nice to see ya Thottie.

Connie: My name is CONNIE!

Katlady: annoyed Yeah, we get it! Your name is Rottie, we know already!

Connie: Ugh....sees Spinel What drugs has that hoe been taking?

Steven: First of all, she's not a hoe. Second, I only have 2 more chapters with her so don't judge me.

Katlady: The homie from Japan wants you to listen to Pon Pon Pon, which she says is the worst Japanese song ever! It sucks worse than old man wrinkly balls! Or seeing your mom fuck the clown that was performing at your birthday party!

Connie: Japanese music isn't all that bad.

Spinel: Wraps arms around Connie If it's that bad we don't want you to escape, now do we?

Connie: Ha! I bet it's not too bad!

Katlady: Yeah, we're gonna find out.

Katlady: bobbing her head to the beat like a dumbass

Steven: What in the Goddamn....


Connie: has a traumatized face OH DEAR GOD MAKE IT STOP!

Katlady: What are yal talking about   this girl has moves!

Connie: tries to break free THIS SONG IS A DEVIL'S RUTUAL

Steven: I think it's just on crack.

Spinel: ....confused

Katlady: This song is a bit in crack but DAMN this is a good song!

Steven: You can't even speak Japanese, dumbass.

Katlady: I speak Spanish and Chinese, so this should be no different.

Connie: traumatized

10 hours later


Steven: Well my ears hurt.

Katlady: fell asleep after the 2nd hour

Spinel: left hours ago

Connie: .....fuck y'all.

Keep the questions and dares coming!

Oh. Here's an English version of Pon Pon Pon.

Konnichiwa to Japan 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵

Ask and Dare Stevinel (Yes I said Stevinel, WHACCHA GONE DO ABOUT IT!) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن