Tom meets your parents

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-so this would happen when you and tom had been dating for ~3 months and it wasn't media-public or anything but your friends and family knew

-tom would be visiting for the week after an extended press tour and your parents coincidentally plan a spontaneous day to visit you

-you don't tell tom until he wakes up that morning that your parents are coming and you assumed he would be really chill about it bc he had no problem meeting your friends and siblings, but he starts slightly panicking and you're like "chill dude" and really it's just the lack of mental prep time that has him worried and he's feeling good about it by the time they get there

-tom would be the kind of guy to ask your mom if he could take her coat and then start having typical small talk with your dad about the drive up and the golf championship yesterday

-your mom would very audibly say to you "wow he's even cuter in person" and basically flirt with tom and he would just laugh while you watched with an eye roll at your mom

-you go walk around the city and tom holds ALL doors for your mom no questions about this

-you end up at a museum that has an exhibit showing that your dad really wanted to see and you all start walking around and your dad just starts telling tom all this random shit about the exhibit and tom just stands there and nods along like a good sport. might even throw in a question or two

-eventually you go to rescue him and you slip your hand in his and tell him you want to show him something "over there" across the room from where he was with your dad. when you get a little farther away he's like "what did you want to show me?" and you're like "what? i was just saving you from my dad" "oh"

-so you and tom take your parents to your favorite restaurant in the city that you always go to when tom visits

-during dinner tom would mention that talking to your parents makes him miss his own parents and your parents would be like "oh! when do we get to meet them?" and that's the first time tom actually thinks about your parents meeting each other and how commitment-y that is but realizes he kinda wants it to happen

-tom is DEF a hand on your knee during dinner kind of guy

-tom would sneak away during dinner and pay the bill because he didn't want it to be a big deal but later your dad would ask for the check and the waiter would like look at tom and then back at your dad and be like "oh it's all taken care of" and your parents would be like "tom you didn't have to do that" and your mom would say "i wouldn't have ordered three glasses of wine if I knew you were going to pay" and tom would be like "no no it's my pleasure" in that aCCent bye

- you'd walk back to your apartment building with their car parked out front and tom would shake your dad's hand and your mom would give him a big hug and he'd be like "so lovely to meet you" and they'd get in the car and tom would slip his arm around your waist and the two of you would stand there and wave until they turned down the street, your dad honking like a loser

-tom would turn to you and be like "i quite liked them" and you'd laugh and say "i think they quite liked you too"

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