Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Cuddles

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I had been going about my usual business, cleaning up around my apartment since this was the day of the week I did that. Tom had been planning to come over later for a bit, and then we were supposed to go have dinner with his parents and brothers.

I looked at the clock and realized it was 2:30; Tom had said he'd be here at 2:00. Frowning since Tom was never late, I figured there was probably traffic and he'd be here in a few minutes.

Fifteen minutes passed and he still hadn't shown, that's when I decided to call him.

I heard the phone ring a few times before Tom picked up.


"Hey,bub is everything ok? You said you'd be here 45 minutes ago."

"Oh,sho-I'm sorry Y/n/n. Paddy woke up sick this morning and I've been taking care of him." He sounded flustered and a little overwhelmed.

"I think I'm gonna have to cancel-"

"Tom it's fine. Hey do you care if I come over? I can help."

"No your fine babe don't-"

"But I want to! You sound really overwhelmed."

Tom took a deep breath. "Ok. Paddy would like it if you came. I think he's getting sick of looking at me."

I laughed. "Ok. I'll be there in 20."

"Thank you darling. I love you." He sounded immediately relieved.

"Of course. I love you too."

I finished up what I was doing and then put up my cleaning stuff. I grabbed a hoodie and threw it on over my old t shirt and sweatpants before I jammed my feet into shoes and went out the door.

I got into my car and drove down to the Holland household. I pulled in next to Tom's car, and made my inside.

I quietly opened the door, not knowing whether Paddy would be asleep or bouncing off the walls when I opened it.

I found neither on the other side. I saw Paddy laying on the couch with a fluffy blanket draped over his small frame. I could see he looked paler than usual.


I turned to see Tom, who smiled gratefully at me. He came over and wrapped me in a hug. He curls seemed messier than usual, and he look tired.

"Thank you" he said gratefully.

"Is it that bad" I asked trying not to laugh, knowing Tom was probably being dramatic.

He shook his head. "No, it's just that mum and dad left early this morning, and he woke up sick at like 6. I'm just really tired."

I wrapped him back into another hug, sliding a hand into his hair and playing his curls.

He hummed happily. "You gotta stop doing that you're gonna make me fall asleep."

I laughed. "Come on. Let's go check on your brother."

We both walked quietly into the living room, where Paddy was absentmindedly watching whatever was on the TV. He didn't look up when he came in.

"Hey Padster" I said quietly as I came in. His eyes opened a bit wider when he saw me. "Y/n/n! I'd hug you but I don't want to get you sick."

I giggled. "That's ok. Do you feel any better?"

He shrugged. "A bit I guess. I felt awful this morning, so it's a little better now."

I smiled. "Good. Have you eaten anything?"

He and Tom both shook his head. "I tried around noon but he couldn't keep anything down" Tom said.

"And I'm starving" Paddy said.

"Does he seen like he's gotten better since then?"

Paddy nodded and Tom just shrugged, obviously not knowing.

"Why don't we try soup or something" I suggested.

"I think he could handle that. There's some in the cabinet. I'll come with you. Paddy don't puke while we're gone" Tom said jokingly.

Paddy gave him a thumbs up. "That's the plan."

I laughed as I went into the kitchen with Tom. He opened a cabinet and pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup and tossed it to me. I caught it and began getting out everything we'd (I'd) need.

After the soup was started, I was about to turn away from the stove when Tom came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed gently kisses on my jaw, before burying his face in my neck, placing a kiss there.

"Thank you for coming over" Tom said, his voice muffled.

"Of course."

"I really don't know what to do with sick kids."

I laughed. "Well you've got a few years to figure it out."

I heard him laugh and felt his smile against the skin of my neck. I kissed the side of his head as his arms squeezed my middle before he let go of me. He grabbed some bowls and spoons before coming back over to where I was standing.

"I'm...I'm hungry too."

I chuckled and shook my head, pouring soup into both of their bowls.

Tom carried his and I carried Paddy's as we made our way back into the living room.

"Thanks Y/n" Paddy said with a scratchy voice as he took the bowl in his hands.

We sat in silence as the boys ate, and I could tell that Paddy didn't feel good mentally either, so I grabbed the remote with an idea.

"You wanna watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine?"

"Only is its season 3" Paddy responded.


I turned on Hulu and flipped to Brooklyn Nine-Nine, onto the Halloween Heist episode of Season 3. We all watched it together while Paddy slowly finished his soup.

By the end of the first episode we watched, he'd finished his bowl, and halfway through the third his eyes began to droop. By the end of that episode, he'd snuggled into the blanket as well as my side as was in a deep sleep.

"This is crazy." Tom said a few moments later.


"He hasn't slept all day. He never sleeps when he's sick. And he's out."

I blushed and shrugged she shoulder that didn't have Paddy's head on it. I gently scratched his head through his curls.

"This is why you're perfect" Tom said quietly. I looked up at him, bright red.

"I love you" Tom said.

"I love you too."

Shortly after Tom fell asleep on my other shoulder.

About an hour after the first boy fell asleep, Nikki and Dom came home. They came in with a bit of noise, and I politely motioned or them to be quiet when they got it. They quickly saw their sleeping sons and quieted down. Nikki made her way over to us.

"What's wrong. Are they ok?"

"Tom's fine" I said. "Paddy's sick. I'm not sure what's wrong with him since Tom's been with him all day and I've only been here for about two hours. Tom took care of him most of the morning until I got here, and when I got here I started helping. And now he's asleep too."

Nikki laughed softly. "Thank you. I'm gonna call out a pizza for dinner, and since I take it you're staying, what would you like?"

"Whatever you all are ordering is fine Nikki, thank you."

She placed a kiss on the top of her son's heads, and then mine. I laughed.

"Thanks for taking on the big sister role today."

I blushed again, my heart swelling at her comment. "Thank you Nikki."

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن