You're Not Gay?

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Peter sat at lunch with Ned, staring across the cafeteria at you.

"Remind me why you haven't asked her out?" Ned asked.

Peter turned to stare at Ned.

"Are you dumb?" Peter asked.

"I would argue otherwise,"

"Y/N isn't interested in me. I have a feeling she isn't interested in any guy,"

"Dude, I heard that she kissed that guy Logan at Liz's party a few months ago," Ned said.

"Yeah, but the past three years I've known her she's only dated girls. She made out with one guy, one time, I don't think that automatically makes her straight," Peter said. "I'm pretty sure she's gay," Peter added.

Ned shrugged.

Later that day, you ran into Peter at his locker after school.

"Hey, Peter!"

"Hey, Y/N," Peter smiled.

You absolutely adored Peter. Peter Parker was the perfect boy. He was smart, caring, loyal, and not to mention pretty.

Peter was very pretty.

"Do you have plans for this weekend, Parker?"

"Ned and I are going to finish building his Lego Death Star,"

"That sounds so fun! I hope you guys have a great time,"

"Thanks! What about you? Have plans?"

"Yeah, actually. I have a date,"

Peter frowned slightly, hurt that you were seeing someone.

"Who's the girl?" Peter asked.

"I've been running into her at the coffee shop almost every day before school and she kinda just asked me out,"

"That's nice, I hope you have fun," Peter said, closing his locker and walking away.

Later that evening you went on your date with the girl from the coffee shop. You had a nice enough time, but the entire time your mind drifted to Peter, and boy you wished it was him you were with. You went home after the date, only thinking of Peter. You decided to live him a call. Peter was sitting at home when his phone rang.


"Hey, Peter,"

"Shouldn't you be on your date?" Peter asked.

"I kind of cut it short. She really isn't my type,"

"Sorry to hear that,"

"Eh, it's alright, I kind of have my eyes on someone else," you admitted.

"Really? Who's the lucky lady?" Peter asked

"Actually its a guy,"

"Wait... aren't you gay?" Peter asked, confused.

You laughed, "No, I'm actually bisexual,"

"Oh!" Peter exclaimed.

"I thought you knew that?"

"Ned kept trying to tell me that you were into guys, but I never believed him,"

"Well, you better believe it, hon. I like them all,"

"Good to know,"

You were both silents. You could only hear the slight buzzing from the phone.

"So, uh, why'd you call?" Peter asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, I dunno. I was thinking about you and thought I'd give you a call,"

Peter smiled at the end of the line.

"Sorry," you said. You could feel your face heating up.

"Hey, I'm sorry Y/N, Ned just got here, I have to go, but I'll see you on Monday and you'll have to tell me more about this guy you like,"

"Have fun with Ned," you said, hanging up.

When Peter opened the door for Ned, the first thing Peter said was "You were right,"

"What?" Ned asked.

Peter moved aside, allowing Ned into his apartment.

"You were right about Y/N. She's not gay,"

"Ah! I told you,"

"She's bisexual, but apparently there's this guy that she's interested, so I still have no chance with her,"

"Are you kidding, you have to ask her out,"

"I don't know, Ned..."

"Just think about it,"

On Monday, you decided to join Peter and Ned for lunch.

"Hey, Y/N, what are you doing here?" Ned asked.

"Peter and I didn't really get to finish our conversation on Friday so I figured I'd join you guys if that's alright with you,"

"Yeah, yeah, please sit," Peter said.

You sat down across from the boys and nodded at Michelle who was sitting one table over.

"So you're not gay," Ned said.

"Jesus, you jump right into it, don't you Ned?"

"Sorry..." Ned said.

Peter shook his head, placing his face in his hands.

"No, it's fine. I'm a very open person when it comes to my sexuality. But no, I'm not gay. I'm bisexual,"

"Ooooohhhhh," Ned said, turning back to his lunch

"Why are you all so surprised by this, especially you, Ned, I told you about the guy I like,"

"Wait. You to-told Ned about your crush before me?" Peter asked

You could feel your face heating up.

"Yeah...maybe...Sorry, Peter but I had to talk to Ned about it first,"

You looked at Ned, his eyes were lighting up with excitement.

"Tell him," Ned said.

"Why did Ned need to know first?"

"Because you're my crush, Parker," you said.

Peter's face turned bright pink.

"Y-you like m-me?" Peter stammered.

"Yes, I have a crush on you,"

Ned elbowed Peter, but Peter continued to stare at you in disbelief.

"Peter is like, in love with you,"

"No, I'm not," Peter said, not realizing what he had said until moments later

"I mean, I am! I like you, I don't love you, I mean I kinda do. YOu're really pretty," Peter said.

You found yourself blushing.

"Christ," Peter placed his face in his hands, hiding his blush.

"Go on a date with me," You blurted out.

Peter looked up at you, and nodded.

"I've been waiting so long for this to happen!" Ned said, excitedly.

"Ned, you're not going to be coming on the date..." Peter said.

Ned frowned slightly "What happened to we'll always stick together?"

You laughed, "C'mon Ned, i've been trying to get Peter alone forever, you can't let me go on one date with him,"

"Fine! Fine! But we all know you guys will miss me,"

"Sure, Ned,"

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