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Every couple gets on each other's nerves it's just a reality of living togetherTom would get annoyed by your messiness
One day when you were already stressed about something he'd say something passive aggressive about your house looking like a tornado went through it and you'd get so pissedYou'd clean everything and then start nagging him about little things he left around the house just to be annoying"Um, Tom, that can go in the dishwasher""Hey Tom, you need to pick your socks up off the living room floor that's disgusting"And he'd just roll his eyes at your pettinessThen he'd have a glass of water on your table and you'd be like "Tom you need to use a coaster""(Y/N) we've had sex on this table you're not seriously going to make me use a coaster"You would correct Tom a lot about little things like saying a word wrong or his grammar and it's just totally out of habit you don't mean it in a mean way but one day he'd be in a bad mood already and it would really start to get on his nerves
"Okay, yeah, we get it, you're the smart one, could ya knock it off?""Knock what off?""Correcting me! Sorry you have to be with such a div""Tom, I didn't mean it like that""Yeah well you're making me feel stupid, so if you could lay off, I'd appreciate it""Baby, you're not stupid""Just leave me alone for a minute"Later he'd be all grumbly and be like "Sorry I just haven't been in a good mood today. I like how smart you are"You both think you're the better driver and when either of you is stressed you'll become a terrible backseat driver and this causes arguments
"Why did you turn?" "This is the faster way" "No, the other way is faster"
"I KNOW where we're gOING""There's parking RIGHT THERE" "well I know someplace closer" "we're gonna end up walking a mile""You're going really fast" "No I'm not" *slows down*You have a constant debate going on regarding the definitive ranking of the breakfast pastry trifecta
Yours is 1) French toast 2) Waffles 3) PancakesToms is 1) Waffles 2) Pancakes 3) French toastTom getting home on the night of the season finale of your favorite show like two hours after the premiere and he gets in the door and immediately is ready to WATCH
And you give him this nervous smile and he just KNOWS you watched it live without him"You couldn't wait two HOURS?!"So poutyYou snoozing your alarm too much in the morning when Tom doesn't have to be anywhere drives him nuts because it keeps him from sleeping in
Tom groaning into his pillow at the third ring"Either get up now or turn it off I'm sick of that stupid noise" *pushes your shoulder*Tom is not a jaywalker and you freak him out sometimes with how bold you are crossing New York City streets
"One of these days you're gonna get hit by a taxi and I'm not gonna miss you"Getting over-competitive at inconsequential board games
"I hate this game""You only hate it because you're losing. Badly"You're a big iced tea drinker and Tom just thinks it's the weirdest thing
"How American of you" *rolls eyes*Mum vs. mom
"Hey don't you think it'll be confusing to our kids that you say mum and I say mom?""No, because you're gonna be their mum""Oh yeah? Did you decide that already?""Yes""But we live in America""Exactly. So you're gonna let me have this"Football vs soccer
Tom literally always calls American football "football with hands" just to annoy youYou have this pet peeve about anyone playing a noise at the same time that you're already listening to something and Tom has learned this lesson but you still get on his case about it sometimes
Tom turns on a game while you have music playing in the apartment"TOM!""I KNOW I'm muting it JEsus Christ, woman"Debating over which one of you the doorman of your building likes better
Tom bringing him coffee sometimesYou talking to him when coming home slightly intoxicated sometime and telling him all about your life so you think you're friends nowTom trying to initiate having a special handshake with this guy"He smiled bigger at me than he did at you"

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now