Peter Parker ABC's (cute)

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Affection: What are those little things they do to show you that they love you?

He never lets you forget that he loves you. He's so excited that you are his girlfriend that he's the most caring boyfriend on the planet, always holding your hand, always kissing your cheeks or your hands, always texting your random facts and memes he thinks you'll find interesting or funny. He's always making sure you're safe too and has the most care with his secret identity because now he has too much to lose if an enemy finds out who he really is. He simply can't afford someone tracing you back to him and endangering you. Especially after what Mysterio did. Luckily everyone wrote it off as fake news but he takes extra measures now anyway.

Birthday: What do they do to celebrate your birthday? What is the thing you need to do to make them happy on their birthday? Are they good at giving gifts?

He's the very first to wish you a happy birthday, knocking on your bedroom window shortly after midnight, rainbow cupcake with a single candle in his hands. He also gives you a very personal, special gift, like that hard to get book he knows you been looking everywhere for, or a very rare pigment for your art, or an original vintage Polaroid camera. He shows he truly knows you and listens to you with his gifts, he's not one for generic gifts like perfume or jewelry (though he did give you a letter P pendant one Christmas that he got on Etsy, and you wear it all the time).

To make him happy on his birthday you don't really have to do a lot, but you do anyway. You call Pepper Stark to let her know it's Peter's birthday and both of you organize the best surprise party ever, with all of the remaining Avengers and of course his new "siblings" Harley and Morgan. Even Nebula shows up because she wants to get to know the kid Tony Stark told her so much about when they were stranded on that ship (she actually thinks Peter is Tony's biological son and Pepper doesn't seem inclined on correcting that assumption any time soon)

Cuddles: Do they like to cuddle? Big spoon? Little spoon?

He loves to cuddle, he absolutely loves it. Whether it be while watching a movie on his couch, or lying together in your bed, he loves to wrap his arms around you. He likes to toy with the idea to keep you there forever, safe in his arms, away from the world and all its dangers.

Dating: What are they like on their first date? And those after that?

The first date was terrible. It was a complete disaster. He had tried so hard to impress you: He had borrowed money and made a reservation at some trendy french restaurant, picked you up in one of the cars Tony Stark had left him and showed up in a tux. Not that he looked bad in that tux, but you were definitely underdressed in your sundress and leather jacket. None of you even knew what any item in the menu was, and things were painfully awkward.

In the end, you both had ditched the restaurant and gone to a vintage Arcade to play 80's videogames and eat burgers.

From that day on, he relaxed and you guys only go on dates that you really enjoy: Picnics at the park, stargazing trips, visits the planetarium, and you even have plans for the San Diego Comic-Con next year.

Evolution: How fast does your relationship evolve? Weeks, months, years?

You are both young and, let's face it, a little reckless, so things get very intense very fast. But there's no going back now, he wants you in his life forever, you both are all in.

Flirting: Do they flirt a lot?

He's not the smoothest of flirts but he doesn't need to, he already owns your heart. And to be honest, you love the way you can still get him all flustered when you send a flirtatious smile and a wink his way.

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