If you'll have me

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"Babe, have you seen my keys?" you shouted to Tom from your bedroom, where you were looting through your dresser drawers trying to find them.

It was Tom's birthday, and his parents and his younger brother Paddy were on a flight from England to spend the week in New York celebrating. Sam had flown in the night prior and stayed at Harry's apartment 20 blocks away. Since your families rarely had the chance to spend time together, your parents and your siblings were all coming up that evening as well, and you were hosting everyone for dinner to celebrate Tom's 26th birthday. It would be the first time your entire families were together in over a year, and you were anxiously excited.

Tom huffed an overdramatic sigh as he wandered into the room a minute later. "You can't find your keys on your own, just this once? On my birthday?"

You turned to him and rolled your eyes with a smile as he approached you, and reached up to wind your arms around his neck. "Sorry, birthday boy," you murmured, pressing a kiss to his warm mouth as his hands slid down to the small of your back.

He grinned. "S'alright. You'll just have to make it up to me later," he said with a wink, playfully slapping your ass before releasing you and heading for the walk-in closet to join the search.

Less than two minutes later, he came out of the closet, spinning your key ring on his index finger.

"How did you find them that fast?" you said, mind-blown at his speed.

"Call it a lucky guess," he said with a grin, catching the keys and holding them behind his back. "Are you ready to make it up to me now?"

You couldn't help but smile at this mischief dancing across his features, but you really needed to run some errands before your families got in. "I need to go grocery shopping."

"I think it can wait."

"Tom, I have to–"

"Nope. You'll have to wrangle the keys from me if you want to go anywhere," he said, dodging your hand reaching for his arm and dashing out the door of your bedroom.

"Toooom," you whined, but laughed as you ran after him.

Your socks helped you slide past your living room and into the kitchen, where Tom was jingling the keys on the other side of the island tauntingly. You veered right and he went the other way, and you circled the island and followed him into the living room. You reached out for the back pocket of his jeans and caught it by a finger, but then hit your hip against one of the armchairs and he was out of reach in an instant. He leaped over the couch, his adorable laugh filling the room.

"Not fair!" you called after him, moving around the couch as he sprinted back down the hallway towards your bedroom. "I can't jump like that!"

"Not my problem," he panted as you wheeled around the doorframe, catching him standing in the middle of the room, sliding the keys into his back pocket.

You circled each other like boxers in a ring, slowly creeping closer together, both of you trying to keep straight faces through your laughing and heavy breathing, and when he'd circled around the room a full time, you made your move. You faked left, and as he jumped to the right to move around you, you switched directions, pushing his torso backward until he hit the wall.

"Gotcha," you taunted, your face barely an inch from his, and your hand slowly sliding around his waist toward his back pocket.

"Do you?" he grinned, and then suddenly began tickling your very ticklish sides.

"Tom! No!" you tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but you were locked in. "Tom, stop!" You were simultaneously screeching and laughing hysterically.

He stilled his hands against your sides, leaning back against the wall and pulling you close to him. You looked into each other's eyes for a minute as your laughs died down and you caught your breath.

"Can I have my keys back now?" you asked.

He smiled and slid a hand into his back pocket and began to pull them out. "I suppose."

You reached for them, but he pulled them up out of your reach, and then back behind his back. "Give me a kiss first."

You shook your head but pressed your lips to his with a smile, twice, resting your hands against his chest and leaning into him.

"Now tell me you love me."

"I love you, you weirdo."

"Tell me you want to be with me forever."

"I want to be with you fooooooreeeeeever," you drew out dramatically, running your hands over his shoulders.

"Then tell me you'll marry me."

You froze, wide eyes meeting his, and taking a subconscious step backward from him. Tom bit his lip, finally pulling your keys in front of him and twisting an engagement ring - that he'd clearly hidden - from the key ring, and a smile began to creep over your face. He tossed the rest of your keys past you and onto your bed, and then slid down onto one knee.

His head tilted up and he caught your eyes. "I love you, so much. I – I – I can't remember anything that I was going to say, fuck."

"Yes," you said, your eyes getting all watery against your will. "Yes."

"Shhh, I'm trying to propose to you," he laughed softly, watching your face intently. You released a breath in a sudden laugh at that, and a few tears slid down your cheeks. He took a breath and started again. "I just...I can't imagine anything better than living my entire life out with you. I feel like I can take on the world when I'm with you. You make me so, so happy it honestly makes me feel like I'm insane sometimes. You're so – you're everything to me. Just, everything. And I would really love to marry you, if you'll have me."

You nodded as more tears spilled over. "Yes! Of course. Of course, of course, of course." You held your left hand out to him, and he slid the ring onto your finger, grasping your hand and running his thumb over the ring as he stood up. You enveloped him in the tightest hug, wiping your face against his shoulder. When you pulled back, you both had the biggest grins on your faces.

"I feel like it's my birthday," you giggled, pressing your lips to his.

Tom hummed contentedly against your mouth. "It's definitely my best birthday ever," he murmured, nuzzling his nose against yours, "and it's only 9 in the morning."

You rested your head on his shoulder and held your hand out to look at your ring. Then you lifted your head and kissed him again. "I wish I had better words than 'I love you.'"

"I know the feeling."

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now