I love you (smuttyish)

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Tom had known he loved you for a little while. It had really solidified for him several weeks earlier, a week after he'd met your parents. He'd had a rough work week in LA, and had planned to visit you for the weekend, but wasn't sure he was up to it come Friday morning. So with a bit of reluctance, Tom flew out as planned and found himself knocking on your apartment door, excited to see you, but tired and grumpy all the same.

When you opened the door, you gave him a sympathetic smile and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're here," you said, pressing a kiss just below his ear.

He dropped his bag in the living room and returned with you to the kitchen, where several pots and pans were resting on the stovetop. Spoons, measuring cups, and spices were scattered across the counter next to a printed recipe.

"What are you making?" he asked, resting his chin on your shoulder as you stirred.

"That thing your mom always makes, that you made me when I was sick last month? I thought it'd be nice to come back to."

He quirked a smile at that, genuinely taken aback by your thoughtfulness, and lifted his head to press a kiss to your temple. "I'm gonna go change," he said, grabbing his bag and taking it to your bedroom.

He came back a minute later shirtless and in gray sweatpants, stretching out on your couch. "Mmm, I forgot how comfy your couch is," he called over his shoulder to where you were in the kitchen.

You quickly wiped your hands on a dish towel before strolling into the living room and plopping down next to him. You snuggled into his side as he lazily scrolled through his Instagram feed with squinty tired eyes. After a few minutes you spoke. "So...you had a really long week?"

He sighed, dropping his phone on the coffee table and wrapping his arm around you. "Yeah. Lots of paps. Everywhere, all the time. And then my manager's been calling me nonstop about a new deal we're negotiating. I didn't really get any sleep. I just feel drained."

"I'm sorry, baby. Hopefully you'll catch up on some sleep this weekend."

He nodded his head, running his fingers up and down your back. "How has your week been?"

"Eh, y'know-", you were about to respond when a loud alarm sounded from the kitchen. You sat up startled.


"Oh fuck!" you exclaimed, racing into your smoky kitchen to pull your burning lemon sage chicken out from the oven.

Tom came running in behind you, assessing the situation, before grabbing your discarded dish towel to fan the smoke away from the alarm. You threw the burnt chicken on top of the counter, shutting the oven with a huff before grabbing another dish towel from the drawer to help Tom fan the smoke alarm.

Tom looked over to your frazzled state and frustrated expression. Your hair was sticking up in all different directions, you shirt was covered in splattered lemon sage sauce, and your cheeks were flushed red both from the heat and embarrassment. Tom couldn't help but smile, and it dawned on him that he was crazy for even questioning whether he wanted to spend his weekend next to you.

"What's so funny?" you questioned when you noticed Tom staring at you, giggling, and cracking his first real smile that night.

"Nothing, I just.. I -" I love you, he thought to himself. He'd kept it to himself that night. He hadn't wanted to scare you off, or ruin what you guys had. But as time went on, he found himself thinking it more and more often, and getting closer to letting it slip out.

A few weeks passed and another weekend scheduled for you to visit Tom on his press tour rolled around. It was late and the two of you were fooling around in his hotel room.

You were straddling Tom on his bed, and he was extra eager, as it'd been a couple weeks since you'd been together. He roughly pulled your shirt over your head before reattaching his lips to yours. He reached around your back to unclip your bra, but got thrown off by your new clasp-less lacy bralette. Frustrated, he tugged too hard and ripped it down the back.

"Tom!" you laughed, pulling away from him in surprise.

His jaw dropped a little. "I swear I didn't mean to do that. I'll get you a new one, I promise. I am so sorry." He chuckled at the stunned look on your face, making you laugh harder.

"It's okay," you giggled. "I still love you." You paused for a second, realizing what you'd just said, and quickly pressed your lips back to his in a panic thinking, Dear god I hope he somehow didn't just hear that.

He gripped your waist but pulled his mouth away from yours, certain he'd heard the words he'd craved for weeks. "What'd you just say?"

"Nothing," you said, moving his hands up to your breasts in an effort to distract him and leaning in to kiss him again. After briefly allowing your lips to press to his, he pulled away again, flipping you over and pinning your hands down on either side of your head.

"Tell me again," he said with a smile.

"Hmm?" You scrunched your forehead still trying to deny what you'd confessed.

"Tell me again," he teased, kissing your jaw, "that you love me."

"Did I say that?" you teased back, wiggling your body in attempt to break free from his grasp.

"Mhmm," he smiled into your neck before pulling back to look at you and releasing your wrists.

You sighed in defeat, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I guess I did....because I do. I love you."

He grazed his upturned lips against yours. "Good. Because I love you too."

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz