I have a secret

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You lay on your back in bed, looking over at Tom every so often as he shifted in his sleep. He'd gotten home in the very early hours of that Saturday morning after being away for two weeks. You hadn't heard him come in but had woken up early with his body radiating warmth next to yours, and now you were just about to burst waiting for him to wake up so you could share the news. On Wednesday, three days prior, you'd taken a pregnancy test, just as you'd done every few weeks for the past couple of months after the two of you made the decision to start trying for a baby. You'd gotten distracted while waiting for the result, and didn't even look at the test until an hour after taking it when you went into the bathroom looking for your keys. You did a double take when you saw the test with a little pink plus sign sitting on the counter.

"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, a hand coming up to cover your mouth as you picked up the test to look at it closer. "Oh my god." You took another test just to be sure - and a few minutes later, there it was again: a pink plus.

Your first instinct was to call Tom and tell him, but you rethought mid-dial, deciding that this wasn't news to share over the phone. It was only three days until he'd be home - you could wait that long. But waiting had proved difficult. Keeping the news of your pregnancy all to yourself for three whole days?! You could barely contain yourself, especially when Tom called on Friday afternoon before boarding his flight.

"I can't wait to see you," you had said, smiling to yourself.

"Me either," he'd laughed, hearing the eagerness in your voice. He hadn't a clue.

You rolled onto your side in bed, propping your head up on your hand, looking at Tom sleeping next to you on his stomach with both his arms folded beneath his pillow, and decided you couldn't wait a minute more.

"Hey, you," you said softly, running your hand gently through his messed up curls and down over his shoulders and back. "Wake up," you spoke against his bare shoulder, pressing a kiss to his warm skin.

"Mmm," he stirred. "...time is it?"

"Early," you said.

"Mmmm," he hummed in protest, but turned his head toward you on his pillow nonetheless, eyes still closed.

"I have a secret," you hinted, biting your lip.

"Hmmm?," he questioned, barely awake.

"I'm pregnant."

He cracked open an eye. "Actually?"

"Mmhmm," you nodded, a small smile playing on your lips.

He lifted his head then, squinting in the morning light. "Are you joking?" he asked, as in an "I'm-about-to-be-so-excited-I-could-cry" kind of way, his voice sleepily breaking at the end of his question. You shook your head. "Because that would be a really mean thing to joke about–"

"I'm not joking," you gently laughed.

"You're seriously pregnant?" he asked again softly.

"Yeah," you nodded, staring into his eyes.

A smile spread across his face, and he took an arm from beneath his pillow, wrapping it around you and pulling you half beneath him. He pressed light kisses across the front of your shoulder, along your jaw, and on your lips. "I'm so happy," he murmured, his body sinking back into the bed and into you and his tired, smiling face nuzzling into your neck. One of your hands threaded through his hair, the other rubbing circles on his upper back. His arm laying across you shifted so he could lift your shirt a bit, and he began running his hand back and forth over your lower stomach, his pinkie finger under the waistband of your pants. "I can't believe this is really happening."

"I love you," you sighed contentedly.

"Mmm. I love you."

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