I'll never let you go - Tom Holland

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   Y/N washed her hands, eyes looking at her own reflection of the bathroom mirror. It had gone well. Better than she had expected. Nikki and Dom seemed to accept her right away and since she'd already met Tom's brothers beforehand, they got along incredibly well. Drying her palms, she quickly retouched her hair and exited the toilet, turning the light off as she went towards the kitchen to help Nikki clean the table off, but soft chatter took her attention away.
   "I don't understand what you mean," it was Tom, confusion clear in his tone
   "She just doesn't seem the right fit," his mom in a low but soothing voice explained. "Your life is hectic, darling. As is hers, but Y/N... just doesn't seem like she can handle your lifestyle. The paparazzi, the attention..."
   "Mom, how can you say that?"
   Dominic interjected before he could become more frustrated. "We just want what is best for you, son. She just... she is nice, without a doubt. She's a sweet girl. But we just think she's not right for you."
   Y/N had had enough, grabbing her purse from the mantelpiece in the corridor and her coat from the coatrack, she stormed out of the house not even saying goodbye to Harry, who was just walking downstairs, the shock on his face evidence he had heard his parent's conversation as well.
   Tom's head whipped around when he heard the slam of the doors.
   "Harry, what was that?" he asked his younger brother who walked in the kitchen with an unreadable expression on his face. To Tom, it seemed like a mix of anger, disappointment and disgust.
   "That was Y/N."
   It was all it took for the Brit to rush out, panic settling in his stomach because the only reason she'd leave like this would be if she had heard what her parents had said. Desperately he looked up and down the street, hoping to see her walking one way or another, but luck wasn't on his side as she must have caught a cab.
   Tom ran a hand through his hair and quickly sped back inside his house, not caring about the protests and apologies of his parents. The boy simply grabbed his wallet and stormed outside.
   Extending an arm, he hailed a taxi right as it started to rain, hoping and praying that he'd arrive at the station on time. The only place she'd go was her university dorm and that was a two-hour ride with the train. But even then, if he needed to, he'd hop on the next one.
   Meanwhile, Y/N jumped out of the car and onto the pouring streets and rushed up the steps of Waterloo station. Her body trembled as she suppressed the tears trying to escape, heart, aching at what had happened.
   She quickly inserted her credit card in the first free ticket machine and bought herself a one way to Uni. A single drop splattered onto the white and orange piece of paper, which she wiped away before returning her gaze to the big tabloids up above. Y/N didn't have much time and as she made her way towards the platform a female voice rang through saying that the train would leave in five minutes.
   Y/N felt her phone ringing nonstop inside her pocket, but she also knew who was calling her, so she just let it go through. She settled into an empty seat, and luckily no one sat beside the heartbroken girl. The whole train ride back to Uni she had her hood up, eyes looking out the window watching as the English countryside blurred in an indistinguishable pattern.
   The skies had decided to release everything they had in them, as Y/N stepped onto the platform and was immediately drenched. But she didn't even feel the cold of the water. Her heart was numb enough and so was her body.
   They hated her. Tom's parents, the man she had thought she'd be able to make a life with and grow old together, they hated her. Simply because she was a student and not someone who spent their time in the limelight.
   A bitter scoff escaped her throat when she thought of it. How cruel of fate to put two pieces of a puzzle together, only to rip them apart, for the picture did not seem quite right.
   Her finger stretched for the buzzer and after some fumbling and yelps from the inside, the flat's door sprung open.
   Lucy, her roommate and one of her best friends, stood there in her Harry Potter pyjamas, hair in complete disarray. She was just about to unload a bunch of questions on Y/N when smile vanished from her lips. "What happened?"
   It was that simple question when Y/N finally broke. The girl fell into the other woman's arms and sobbed. "They hate me," her words were barely a ragged whisper. "They absolutely hate me."
   And that was it. Y/N said nothing more and nothing less. She simply allowed Lucy to lead her inside the apartment and her room. She left her door in a crack and undressed, letting the tears flow down in an endless stream. Y/N pulled out one of Tom's shirts from her wardrobe but couldn't tell herself to pull it on.  It was instinctual to wear his hoodies, trainers and T-shirts, to have his smell wrap around her, for it to be the thing that lulled her to sleep on the nights he was not beside her. But now, it only reminded the girl of what she lost. Or was about to lose.
   It seemed like it was centuries later when someone addressed the girl.
"Y/N," Lucy's voice was wary, as she opened the door to her room. "There is someone here to see you."
   The Y/H/C haired beauty's stomach dropped. She knew who it was. There was only one option. As her Y/E/C eyes flitted up she saw Tom standing in the doorway, his eyes red and puffy, a desperate look on his face.
   "Love," the nickname was a choked back sob when he saw what state Y/N was in. "Please."
   He didn't even know what he was begging for, his mind in shambles and complete disarray, simply hoping she understood.
   A sniffle was his answer. "What are you doing here?"
   She stood up from her bed and instantly Tom's noticed how her usually tall stance was slumped over like she was trying to curl into herself and become smaller. It took him a millisecond to wrap Y/N in his arms there in the middle of her bedroom. It was a relief in itself- to feel her body pressed against his, like so many other times. And when her arms wove around his middle, his whole frame shuddered with a sigh of reprieve.
   "Darling, they feel horrible, absolutely disgusted with themselves. They didn't mean anything o-" but Y/N stopped him mid-sentence.
   "No, they feel terrible because I heard what they said, what they actually thought of us together."
   "Y/N, please," the tears didn't stop.
   "Tom..." she gulped, swallowing down the bile threatening to rise in her throat before she said the words she had never wished, nor expected to. "I think we need to take a break."
   He forcefully shook his head, grip around her body tightening. "No."
   "Love, it's what's gonna be for the best. Your parents are right."
   "No, they, don't know anything. I love you," in a hopeless attempt to save what could be saved, he kissed her with all the passion in his body. And she responded with the same amount of emotion, but somehow this felt more like goodbye.
   "Tommy..." Y/N whispered, arms still locked around his neck. "Please."
   His heart hurt more than it ever had. "How long?"
   The girl knew what he meant. "A permanent one."
   "No, no, no, no, no!"
   "No," and then he full on sobbed. Head hidden in the crook of her neck, his whole body trembled in the girl's embrace as she tried to soothe him by running her arms up and down his back. Y/N's own nose was buried in that brown mop of curls atop his head, as she led them both to her bed and laid down, tears splattering onto her pillow.
   "It's for the best," she whispered, even her non-existing voice cracking.
   "How can it be, when I'm losing all of the light that was in my life?"
   Y/N's already broken heart shattered in millions of little pieces and she knew, that picking all of them up would be impossible. "You have to look at this as an investment in the future. Later in your life, you'll thank me for doing this."
   Tom's only answer was a vigorous shake of the head as he clung onto the girl harder, almost definitely leaving bruises, and tears flowing anew. His whole body vibrated in Y/N's arms as they laid together and stayed entwined like that. Soon enough Tom was pulled into a deep sleep, exhausted from all of the heartbreak, but Y/N couldn't relax, so she did the only thing she could- she called Harrison.
   "Where is he? Everyone's worried sick."
   "He's with me," Y/N's voice was thick with sorrow. "Can you please come and get him?"
   "Yeah, yeah, of course," she could hear the hesitation in Harrison's tone but then he asked it. "What happened?"
   For a second, Y/N stared off into space, brain trying to collect all the thoughts while simultaneously attempting to now break down once more. "He'll, umm, he'll tell you everything. Just, please come and get him."
   "Okay... I'll be there in a couple of hours."
   "Thank you," Y/N got the response out before she took in a shaky breath. "Thank you."
   She spent an hour and a half like that- Tom's snoring form resting on top of hers, Y/N's fingers gently cradling through his curly brown hair as he rested, with both arms tightly wrapped around her middle. Like he was scared that she was some kind of a dream, a mirage that would disappear once he came closer.
   Y/N saw Lucy walk past by her room, her door being cracked open and the other girl had a sorrow-filled smile on her face. Her ears perked up when she heard two voices conversing. A male and a female. Harrison had arrived.
   It would be a lie if Y/N said she hadn't wished for the traffic to be horrible if she didn't want Harrison to take four more hours to arrive, but the fantasy she was in had to end at some point.
   With a heavy heart, she removed one of the hands from Tom's back and gently shook his shoulder.
   "You gotta wake up, darling, Harrison's here to pick you up."
   Y/N heard a deep rumble and felt his grip tighten.
   "Tom, please. Don't make this harder than it already is... we both know this has to happen."
   Those words did not help one bit as the boy started to cry once more. "But it doesn't. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I love you and you love me. That's the only thing that's supposed to mean anything."
   His head lifted up from where it had rested on Y/N's chest and she couldn't help the soft quirk of her lips. He always looked so cute right after waking up. And even with reddened cheeks, he was still the most beautiful man she'd ever met. Had ever had the honour of calling hers, even if only for a little while.
   "All dreams must come to an end, Tommy," she gently cradled his cheek. "And there is no one else who wished more, that they could live in this castle of clouds we've created, but when the wind blows, they have to disappear. It's just how life is."
   Y/N leaned up and with her, so did Tom. Reluctantly, she untangled herself from the strong arms she had grown so used to having woven around her and stood up.
   "Come," Y/N extended her palm. The weight of his rugged hand in hers was the rightest thing in the world. But already it felt foreign. Almost dirty, like it was a sin to be even touching him.
   "I won't let this be the end," Tom announced an unmistakable sense of determination apparent in what he said as he exited the dorm.
   "Tommy," new tears sprung to Y/N's eyes at the love of her life's words.
   "I won't," and with a last kiss to Y/N's lips, Tom followed Harrison to his car.
   This was not the end. He'd make sure of it.

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