Its over

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You weren't sure what happened between you and Peter, no matter how much you stayed up at night and thought about things you had said or done you couldn't pinpoint a reason for the sudden distance he had put between you two.

It had been going on for about a month before you decided enough was enough, that you and him had to talk and you wouldn't let him make up some excuse again. You would talk to him and get an explanation for why his attitude changed completely.

He used to be the most caring, sweetest, funniest boyfriend you ever had. Peter would treat you like you were the best thing that ever happened to him. You hadn't even been dating for a month before he told you he loved you, a blushing and stuttering mess, and you had just laughed and told him you loved him too, much to his relief.

You two were so perfect together that even at fifteen, you couldn't imagine a future without him. You had envisioned you both going to college, even getting married, growing old - it didn't seem unusual to you, because he was it for you.

Until all this. Until the distance, the missed dates and countless texts he wouldn't answer, the avoiding you at school and even switching seats in some classes. You hated it, you didn't understand it, you couldn't figure out why the perfect relationship had suddenly fallen apart.

For God's sake, you didn't even know if you were still dating. He never actually broke up with you. You hadn't had a proper conversation in a month, him always fleeting around you and never getting more than a word out before he disappeared.

You were scared. You didn't want to think about what he was doing, what he was keeping from you. Deep in your heart, you knew Peter wasn't a cheater. He would never do that. He was a good guy and on top of that, a terrible liar, even if he had cheated.

But you couldn't think of any other reason for what he was doing. It was exactly what someone who was cheating would do, and you were terrified even though you would never expect Peter to do that to anyone. He wasn't the type.

You needed to find out what was happening. The walk to Peter's apartment was long, including a subway ride, but you didn't care. As you left the house, you tried hard not to think about the good parts of the relationship, but you couldn't help it.


"Come on Y/N, no peeking!"

"I'm not," you laughed, your hands tightly pressed against your eyes. "I promise."

"I don't believe you," he said in a singsong voice, then came up behind you and covered your hands with his own, "There! No cheating!"

"I wasn't cheating," you grumbled, not completely telling the truth. "You know I hate surprises."

"Yeah, but you don't hate me, so."

"I don't know Peter, if we don't get this over with soon-"

"Okay, okay, we're here," he chuckled, removing his hands, "Go on, open up."

You opened your eyes slowly, almost wincing at the brightness of the sun. Your eyes landed on a picnic blanket under a shady tree in the park, with bags of food and a speaker on the blanket. Your cheeks blushed lightly as you turned to Peter in shock, who was just as red.

"You are so cheesy, Parker," you teased, making him roll his eyes.

"You like it though, right? It's not too much?"

"It's adorable," you kissed him on the cheek, enjoying the goofy grin he got after. "Thank you."

"Of course, Y/N, I had to make sure this first date topped all your other ones," he laughed, taking your hand. "Come on, let's go eat and see how many bad pick up lines I can tell you before you get sick of me."

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now