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-ok so tom sucks at keeping secrets but somehow would manage to keep your relationship under wraps until you plus his team decide its ok to talk about

-he would not hide anything after that like would just answer so many random questions about you and would end up sharing super random facts about you in interviews

-"tom why would you tell people this" not like in a mad way but just in a you-are-so-weird-for-talking-about-this way. "tom this has 8 million views on youtube are you kidding"

-always in his insta stories, not that you're always the focus but you're always just in them when you're together

-when paparazzi follow the two of you he would definitely get annoyed but would never be outright mean to them. he'd never want you to get overwhelmed and would have a nice comforting hand on your back to guide you through them

-he'd def be into a lil pda here and there but never in a possessive way. he just loves you and would put his arm around you and absentmindedly rub your back or give you a quick kiss in public without thinking about it

-you have your own life so you're not always free to go to premieres and stuff with him but he's always really happy when you can and when you can't he'd always mention that he wished you were there with him

-when fans come up to him while you two are together he would never turn them down but would always try to make it reasonably quick since he gets to spend limited time with you anyway

-fans would usually say hi to you too when they came up for pics and more often than not you would offer to take their pics for them and you would start joking about starting a professional photography career bc of all the tom fan pics you've taken

-of course there's gonna be fans on the internet (and every once in a while in real life) who hate on you and tom almost never addresses it but then one time some interviewer asks him why he never defends you and he just laughs and is like "well honestly I'm probably more bothered by that stuff than she is. if something really bothered her, I would definitely address it, but she knows who she is and knows that I love her, so it's never come to that point yet."

-you're both fully aware of all the rumors that media/fans make up about you and you just laugh it off together

-generally you guys just trust each other a lot and the public's perception of your relationship never really affects what you two hav

Tom Holland & Peter Parker Imagines & Preferences (book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora