best friends brother

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It was Tom's second day on break-finally home in England-and he was sat at his dining room table alone, eating lunch. Everyone was off doing other things. His mum was at work and Paddy was at school. Sam and Harry were somewhere-probably setting up a prank to play on their older brother. Tom didn't mind that he was alone. Sure, he missed his family, but he was exhausted from the long plane ride yesterday. The only thing calling his name at the moment was sleep and food.

"Hey, Tom, we're going to catch a movie. Want to come?" Harry asked, poking his head into the kitchen.

"Which movie?" He replied.

"Suicide Squad. It's DC, but I've heard it's amazing." Sam said, appearing beside his twin.

"I could get fired for seeing it." Tom laughed before shrugging, "But what the hell, I'll go."

"Great, we're leaving in ten." Sam informed him. The twins walked out of the room, leaving Tom alone. He wasn't technically alone-Tessa was in there with him.

"I guess I'm leaving soon. Be good, Tess." He reached down to pet her head. He cleaned up the remainders of his lunch before exiting the room.


"Why aren't we sitting yet?" Tom asked, adjusting his baseball cap. He was attempting to conceal his identity with the hat, but he believed it wasn't working-although he had yet to be asked for an autograph or picture. He was anxious to sit down in the theater, hoping to not get caught as a Marvel star watching a DC film. His twin brothers insisted that they stayed in the main lobby for a little while longer.

"Y/N's meeting up with us. She'll be here soon." Sam replied, eating a few pieces of the large popcorn in his hands.

"Who is Y/N?" Tom questioned.

"SAM, STOP EATING ALL THE POPCORN!" A voice shouted, making Tom jump.

"That would be Y/N." Harry laughed. You walked over to the three boys and took the popcorn from Sam.

"Geez, you fatty, you practically ate all of it." You stated, taking a handful of the snack food.

"Did not!" Sam replied, tugging the container out of your hands.

"Y/N, you've met Tom, right?" Harry asked. You turned your focus from Sam to his older brother. The moment Tom's eyes met yours, he swore his world stopped. He had never seen anyone like you before and he just couldn't take his eyes off you. You were so captivating-where had his brothers found someone like you? More importantly, were they blind to leave you only as a friend? Tom suspected any man who could be with you would be the luckiest man in the world.

"Nope, I don't believe I have. The name's Y/N, also known as their only friend." You said, pointing towards the twins.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed.

"But I have heard a lot about you." You stated. Tom opened his mouth to speak, but only silence came out as he got flustered. When he didn't say anything, you continued, "Spiderman is watching Suicide Squad? Tsk tsk."

As if you had switched a flip in him, Tom found his voice and quickly responded to your comment, "As long as they don't know I'm watching it, I'm fine." His nerves struck up again as he asked, "Are you a fan?"

"Of DC? Absolutely. Marvel? A little." You replied.

"Why don't you like Marvel?" He asked, a tad bit offended by the comment.

"I like the X-Men more than I like the Avengers. The characters are too complicated and they stray from the comics." You stated, "As you can see with Civil War. Where was Thor?"

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